FOX41 Report:
I attended the MSD meeting at Southwest Government Center tonight. Local developer and Southwest resident Chris Thieneman attended and passed out literature concerning the MSD project allowing sewage to be piped from J-Town into the Derek Guthrie Waste water treatment plant in the Southwest. Chris also paid for robocalls to alert the neighbors of the meeting.
Thanks to an aggressive campaign by Thieneman, Councilman Doug Hawkins email blast, and the help of some of us local bloggers, the meeting was attended by approximately 200+ people. Anyone who thinks Robo calls are not effective needs to think again. At least half of those I asked how they heard about the meeting stated from the robo call Thieneman sent out.
The literature passed out was a breakdown including quotes from Mayor Abramson on April 5 in the Courier Journal, and a copy of my latest blog update on this MSD issue. Thanks Chris!
Bud Shardein started the presentation by attacking Thieneman on the flyer's and said they were full of untruths. Only problem is he did not address what he felt was untrue about them. Of course by starting the presentation in such a challenging manner it did not take long for the residents in attendance to stand up and be heard. I applaud each and every one of the residents who attended.
It was great to see so many people get involved for a change.
Interestingly enough, WHAS11 and FOX 41 carried a news broadcast on this meeting but guess who was conspicuously absent? The Courier Journal of course. Abramson's long time media ally and ardent supporter.
On to content. The flyer's passed out tonight were true and the quotes from Abramson on record.
The real question for Bud Shardein at this point is this: Why did Abramson set him up? Seriously. Abramson made his remarks back in April and now Bud Shardein has to defend the position of MSD with this background. I kind of feel sorry for Bud. Really. He says there has been no decision and yet has to withstand attacks against MSD based on Abramson comments.
Bud informed us that Abramson and cronies would have nothing to do with the decisions on what MSD will do. MSD's Board of Directors would make the recommendation. When asked who appoints the MSD board Bud Shardein admitted Abramson did with approval by the Metro Council. Abramson's rubber stamp Metro Council of course. Check out the recent Centre City decision by this Council based on party lines. Check out Henderson and Blackwell for how they vote with the Mayor on everything. This is the major problem. These Council members do not look out for the best interest of their constituents but for the best interest of Jerryville. So yes I believe it is safe to say Abramson will have something to do with it. He has all the power.
Bud also stated that MSD was still looking at all options in regards to alleviating the J-Town waste problem. He next went on to detail how when the Southwest treatment facility was built in 1986 there was a series of pipelines started that were never completed and were built for just this purpose. Moving sewage from J-Town to here. I am of the opinion that this had to do more with the fact that we did not have merged government then and it would be harder to pass this kind of stuff on from the City to the County residents. Since merger, and the Mayor's complete control of appointments there is no check on power to prevent him from doing essentially anything he wants regardless of what end of town it affects.
While the Metro Council is supposed to be a check to this Mayor the Democrat majority has proven over and over again that they cannot be bi-partisan and continually support everything Abramson says to do.
With that being the case then is it reasonable to assume that this plan has been in progress for at least 22 years? If so isn't it also reasonable to assume that based on the long range plan that this is a done deal and the meetings are for show? I believe so.
We were also informed that the references to 40 miles of pipeline were indeed way overstated. The current pipeline ends at Jefferson Mall and would only need to be routed to the treatment plant which would be approximately 6-7 miles not 40. In this instance I agree with Bud Shardein. 40 miles of new pipeline does not add up.
J-Town's biggest problem is they are landlocked and cannot expand thus making it necessary to do something. Fair enough, however, land can be purchased in J-Town so they can take care of their own needs. Land will need to be purchased to expand the pipeline and hook it up so either way there is no land available at this time for the needs of J-Town.
J-Town created this mess themselves before MSD took over. J-Town chooses to remain a separate incorporated City from Louisville. J-Town should be responsible for cleaning up their own mess. Their short sighted thinking, pre-MSD, has created a long term problem but a problem the rest of the City should not have to endure.
According to Bud Shardein there is approximately 12 million gallons excess capacity at the Guthrie Treatment facility today. When asked by a Valley Station resident how much would be left if Valley Station goes to sewers the response was somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-8 million left. When you factor in J-Town sewage that number drops lower. With this in mind as the number drops that most certainly affects whether the Southwest can grow and prosper and to what degree they are allowed to.
There will never be another situation where growth is allowed at the expense of overcapacity for drainage. The EPA mandates have made it clear this is not acceptable.
With this in mind is this just another Abramson way of deciding who can grow and who cannot?
What gives Abramson the right to DICTATE who can prosper. That is not what leadership is about in government. Equality and fairness is essential. Opportunity is all anyone asks for and this Mayor is stifling that opportunity for a portion of our community. In this case sacrificing the Southwest opportunity for growth for J-Town's future opportunity for growth.
Of the People, By The People, and For the People. The people of this community deserve better and from the looks of those in attendance tonight they are finally demanding it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
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Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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ReplyDeleteThe 40-mile pipeline figure came from MSD's own planning documents.