Most remember the events of 9/11. How anyone could forget I have no idea but many seemingly have. Like most of America at that time I was glued to the TV in shock at what had just happened. Terrorism on American Soil. Right here at home the worst terrorist attack we have ever seen. Aircraft flown right into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, bodies jumping plummeting from the buildings rather than face burning alive, buildings imploding right before our eyes. All airspace abandoned, well except for a few elites that no one will talk about.
And all red flags ignored up to that point that could have avoided all of it.
I won't rehash that stuff because no one cares about it. They would rather dodge, deflect, and claim conspiracy theory rather than open their eyes to the truth of what happened. The thing is there was some good that came from such a tragedy, at least temporarily.
We as Americans stood side by side. We worked to clean things up and rebuild. We didn't care about black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor. We did the work and honored the fallen. We swore we would never forget.
And yet we have. Not all of us of course, but so many have and we became a nation I no longer recognize today.
What have we done since? We have become a nation divided more than ever. The terrorists are no longer outside the US looking in but domestic terrorism lives and breathes. I can find no other way to describe it.
We are divided among every line imaginable race, wealth, sexual orientation, and the political correctness has destroyed our once great nation. Why? Because we care more about feelings than freedom.
We coddle the criminals at the expense of the law abiding. We destroy us all through third world policies and over taxation. Our once great nation that was a beacon to the world has sold out and can no longer take care of itself much less others and yet somehow we still do. Whether we can afford it or not.
No longer do we teach the basics in our public schools. They have become a public indoctrination camp.
Thanks Dale Gillespie you were right when I argued you weren't. Reading, writing, and 'rithmetic have been abandoned in favor of teaching 5 year olds that they may be transgender. How the hell can our kids figure that out at that age? Indoctrination.
We have college courses designed to do nothing other than teach black people what it means to be black, then wonder why the "skills" they learned are not compatible with the work force. Call me racist I don't care. The truth hurts and that is part of the problem. The biggest part I would say.
The lunatics are running the asylum and somehow we don't care or refuse to admit it. I am independent, though it will be argued that I am a Republican so my opinions don't matter, yet when I look at where we are today with idiots like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and others, and yes I include McConnell in that group, we have to ask what gives?
Our grocery shelves are no longer full, if they are you generally can't afford to eat, gas is way too high so you can't afford to go far, and the work ethic in this Country is non existent. More money you say? Unionize? Spare me. Unions are protection rackets for bad employees. I spent years working in unions and never did leadership do anything unless it protected a bad employee that bought the leader drinks at the local bar, or the leadership would gain from selling the workforce out. UAW, Teamsters, it is all the same.
Here is a newsflash. You can pay someone $50 an hour but they still won't show up as scheduled consistently. When they do you get a $2 an hour work ethic. Meanwhile, you now pay $10 for a loaf of bread so the business that provided the job doesn't fold. Then you bitch because prices are so high you need more money never realizing your part in that.
Mom and Pop stores that used to make the neighborhoods work now are out of business because they can't compete at those wages. Then the neighborhoods die.
The current trend in our Country is a communistic, fascist approach. The elites at the top of the political bubble get bought and paid for and we the people get shafted with their policies. They sell us out to China, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and so many more it defies logic. Then we borrow money to send to our enemies or countries around the world. Let them borrow their own money or change the way they do business, even better change their own communistic, fascist way of life that has destroyed their own Country. We shouldn't be paying for it.
We send billions around the world constantly for the oligarchs and political leaders to divide amongst them. Never mind none of it is going to the people it is supposed to help. We Americans are paying to keep their leadership in power. Why? So our leadership can get kickbacks and make money. But we turn a blind eye and pretend it isn't happening because you know, feelings. We have been sold fear at every turn to keep us in line like good little robots. And it is working. Throughout history it has worked, for a limited time, then it takes war to get out of it and lives lost that didn't need to be.
Feelings have Trumped common sense and logic. We now would rather scream orange man bad because he said stuff that hurt my feelings, rather than admit many things orange man did made us safer, and freer.
I'm not turning this into a Trump good or bad segment so for you haters of that statement, look inside yourself for what is wrong with this Country today. Freedom is gone. Freedom of speech is one of our basic foundations and we have no freedom fo speech anymore. EVERYTHING is censored to fit a narrative today. If you disagree with someone you are white, misogynist, homophobe, racist, or worse.
Freedom of religion? Only if you are non Christian.
Gun owner? You are obviously deranged and a psychopath in training.
The party of inclusiveness, you know the Progressive Democrats, are the party of violence yet somehow Conservatives are accused of being the violent ones.
So why the rant in a post about 9/11?
Because since then we forgot what being an American is.
The terrorists are winning and they are terrorists from inside our way of life not outside.
As a veteran I took an oath to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic. The enemy today is from within IMO.
We promised we wouldn't forget. We not only forgot we empowered those that would kill or enslave us all for their own gain.
I never forgot the lessons from 9/11. I still remember all the good that came about for a brief time right after. When we weren't labeled racist, misogynist, homophobe, and worse. We were labeled Americans.
But the light is getting dimmer thanks to the asinine policies that are destroying us today...
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