Ah another day of BS. The Abramson spin machine is at its finest. Take for example this story from the C-J: Council wants role on budget courier-journal The Courier-Journal.
What is so funny about this article is this. Isn't it the Council's JOB to approve the budget each and every year? Since it most definitely is, surely there can be no qualms about letting the Council in on the fictional budget "crisis" can there?
I mean with a reported $63-65 million in the Rainy Day fund savings account what is the major problem? Maybe the money isn't really there and Abramson has been fudging the books? Is that why? Is that why Jane Driskell the so called "architect" of the merged Louisville finances retired at the ripe old age of 47?
Interesting questions huh?
According to Abramson we have a budget "crisis." And yet does he really want help to solve it or is it just another made up crunch he has a habit of trying to sell us.
Abramson is notorious for pulling this stunt so why is now any different? Perhaps he sees opportunity in a failing economy Nationwide to gain control of unions or other City services he just does not control now? Has he played the "boy who cried wolf card" once too often?
Who knows. Something does not add up for sure and it isn't the budget he is trying to sell us. Of course the budget does not add up no matter what based on what he says and what is reported in public record.
It seems the Council is dismayed that Abramson did not go speak with them nor did he send a representative on his behalf to discuss the budget crunch. Of course the official reason is "well gee no one asked us." Does this seem a bit of a childish excuse to anyone? It certainly does me and it is just one more BS move by Abramson to be above transparency.
I mean why should he let the people that approve his budget in on the problems with it? Is there something to hide? With Abramson yep it is possible.
The Council should be outraged over this but more importantly we should be. WE are the taxpayers that fund the budget. WE are the ones that will be called upon to make sacrifices whether it be City employees or new taxes through Abramson's increased fine programs. Either way we will fund the shortage.
Since we elect the Council to represent our interests, and Abramson comes to them for everything, like his personal Cordish Group endeavor with Centre City, would it not be logical to speak open and frank with the Council over the supposed shortage?
Common sense dictates yes but of course no one ever said Abramson had a lick of common sense or we would probably not behaving these discussions.
As I have pointed out in previous articles concerning the budget such as this recent one, Louisville News and Politics: LOUISVILLE BUDGET SURPLUSES:WHERE DID IT GO? , one has to ask just exactly how arrogant is Abramson and why is he allowing this to be an issue of NOT talking to the Council.
Who knows but let's look at some facts:
1. The cuts Abramson is announcing piece by piece, and believe me this is a pathetic display of not having a clue, will only total up to be roughly $3.4 million of the supposed $20 million shortfall.
If this truly is a budget "crisis" it seems kind of pathetic not to include the Council to help find the other $16.6 mill to save huh? Wouldn't you be open to any and all suggestions at this point? A real leader would.
2. This quote from the article is very telling in itself: "Because the mayor's cuts thus far have involved spending restrictions, the council does not need to approve any of the actions."
In essence Abramson is BYPASSING the Council who should be directly involved in this problem. Why would he do that? Is there something to hide? Interesting and one more reason we need more transparency in the City government and especially its financials.
3. The typical Abramson divide and conquer game. Get someone to use the phrase partisan politics to divide the people so they do not ask the relevant questions. George Unseld "urged council members to put aside their partisan politics and work to come up with some alternatives for solving the financial troubles.""We've really got a problem here," Unseld said. "The economy is in shambles. Let's deal with this thing as human beings."
What kind of a statement is that other than an intentionally divisive one. I don't know what you are thinking George, frankly many do not anymore, but as of yet there has been NO PROOF nor allowed access by you or the other Council members to claim the budget is in a "crisis."
4. Finally, I have shown that we have had a surplus totalling over $200 million over the last few years and no one has begun to explain where the money went.
I personally will not hold my breath waiting for a reply from Abramson or his latchkey cronies and rubberstamp Council members. As I have stated previously there are I think some Democrat Council members who really do want to do things the right way but do not because of fear.
If there ever was a time to stand and be accounted for now is it.
Let Abramson know the only thing we have to fear is fear itself (ok so I stole the quote). The Council members who are reacting in fear need to remember one thing.
Abramson is not the one to fear WE THE PEOPLE who elect you are.
Do your job and DEMAND to be involved in unison on the Council. The only ones making this partisan are the latchkeys. I really hope you prove me wrong.
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