Wednesday, May 9, 2012


MVM Radio's Ed Springston Show tackled the latest from Louisville tonight. The parking authority of River City (PARC), is now empowered to scan ALL vehicles that park downtown to see IF they have outstanding parking tickets.

Former Mayor and current Lt Governor trying to operate in secrecy as he tried to order the LRC to leave cameras OFF at a Tax Reform meeting.

Local developer Jonathan Blue threatens local citizen with legal action for disagreeing with him on his VA site property.

Finally President Obama is bragging about a one month surplus that doesn't even exist!

These stories and more below!

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Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston

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