Catchy headline huh?
This article will piss some of you off. In fact, I am quite sure a lot of you. Your little scared butt will be triggered and it will be my fault, or Trump, or anyone else but yours. It has become our American way of life. This COVID-19 virus pandemic and paranoia has proven it.
I won't lose sleep over it. I rarely do.
The fact is currently our nation is facing a foe unheard of and fear is being used to control us. Spare me. We have been down this road many times before.
The difference here is we are being goaded into panic like it is the end of the world. MERS, SARS, so many others are/were pandemics as well. We didn't destroy America and we didn't quit our way of life. So why now?
Because the powers that be want it this way and people have become so scared in their little bubble they don't know what freedom means.
We lose thousands of people each year to the flu, millions are infected. We continue on and barely a blip on the radar. We lose thousands to sudden, onset car accidents yet we continue to drive. We lose people everyday to many sudden onset illnesses or accidents, and yet we continue on.
All this paranoia over this virus is just one more way to show how far we have fallen and how little freedom means to so many.
Roughly 22 veterans commit suicide each and everyday. So many of you "feel" for them and make sure you say so on your social media and get the props for "supporting our troops."
You profess your support for our troops and are not proud to be an American. Strong words? You bet. But you show it each and everyday when you follow and obey unlawful orders. Being an American is being free to make your own choices, but also being responsible for them.
These veterans commit suicide in most cases because they have been forced to do things, and have seen things, that no one should ever have to. Things most of you are too much of a coward to see. All to ensure your freedom.
And you mock them each and every time you shame anyone who doesn't agree with you and staying home cowered in fear right now.
We have seen this ploy used many times throughout history. Create a panic and then takeover.
I think most of the people these days would have gladly gone on the trains willingly to Auschwitz even knowing the outcome, simply because they were told to. Big brother knows what is best for you right?
"Think of everybody else they say. You are so selfish because you might give it to somebody else by going out. "
Here is a newsflash. Practically everybody carries some germ that could lead to some illness that could even be fatal. The numbers in this whole COVID-19 thing are not getting worse or better as the "models" show us. They are just testing more and we find out what common sense people already know. Models are only as good as the data input into them. Control the data you control the model.
There are carriers who don't get sick but carry the virus unknowingly.
It is as common as anything in our society.
And people die from it. I'm high risk myself. I am sure at this point some of you so called Christians are praying I get it and die because you disagree with what I am saying. Hypocrites. But knowing I am high risk, being an adult with constitutional freedoms, I am more than capable of deciding what that risk is. I am also responsible for what happens either way.
And that is the problem. The powers that be have divided us so much that we look to CNN or FOX news to tell us how to feel. We have lost the ability of rational thought in many cases always in our search to blame someone or control them to fit whatever agenda the power that is you follow wants you to fit.
You are clueless to what is really going on. A watering down and takeover of our American way of life.
You are being told to be afraid and in your fear you do as you're told. By someone who has no power or authority to do so. You follow along like good little sheep.
Don't get near anyone they say. But make sure you shop at your local Wal-Mart.
Stay home we will pay you anyway and we will give you a bonus. Until the money runs out and the jobs are gone.
You follow along like all good little socialist have done throughout history.
40% of our economy completely shut down, millions out of work that may never get another job opportunity. Since when did Government have the right to tell private business who is essential and who is not? They don't.
How many people commit suicide or die of starvation because of this illegal encroachment on our freedom? Yeah it happens everyday. But you don't hear about that until it fits an agenda.
But hey at least some vulture in the home buying business can get some cheap houses to flip for some artificial money. Houses your neighbors lost because they were told they were not allowed to work. An illegal order by a power grabbing mindless unconstitutional regime. Sure to kick back the appropriate amount to the powers that be who made it happen.
By the way that isn't Trump's fault. The Governor's run their states. Some of you need a civics class badly.
Your out of control gestapo minded state governors who are violating every constitutional freedom you have all in the name of "keeping you safe." And you buy into it like a puppy scared to piss on the floor of a new house for fear of a beating.
Who protects you from these run away tyrants?
You don't want protection from it and you just proved it America. You walk willingly into the gas chambers because you are driven by fear. You have been so dumbed down and so mind numbed that you don't even know how freedom works.
And my veteran brothers and sisters die everyday thinking they were doing their job to protect the freedoms all for you.
Hide in your hole folks but don't blame anyone when it all falls apart and nothing is left but yourself.
If there is anything most of you have earned in your life. It is earning the right to feel embarrassed and ashamed of not knowing what being an American and freedom are all about.
But you won't. Because you were told you were a good little boy or girl.......
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