You are being played. Most know it and either A). they don't care, or B). they are too scared to stand up. The left has decided to create an all out war on America and the sheep are following blindly along as expected. Say what you want but I am right.
By the end of this article I will obtain many labels. Most I have heard before so maybe you guys can get creative and find a new one.
I have said openly and repeatedly I do not apologize for being white. I have no white guilt nor do I fall into the white privilege bullshit the separatists want to put on me. Supposedly that makes me a racist. Think what you want my heart is pure so I am good.
The reality is the true racist are the Democratic Party. That doesn't mean I support all Republicans either. I despise Mitch McConnell as much as I despise Nancy Pelosi. Somehow though I must be an alt right winger because I state the truth. Label me. I am used to it and I won't lose one ounce of sleep over your own insecurities.
It has gotten so bad that somehow white people are supposed to kneel or bow to the black man and apologize for his so called privilege.
And some are doing it. Including your Democrat elected leaders.
Do not even attempt or think I will ever acquiesce to something so bizarre.
I will never bow or kneel to anyone period. With the exception of Jesus Christ.
One uncomfortable truth the MSM has denied for years but may slowly be realizing.
ANTIFA is the well funded, militaristic arm of the Democratic party. There can be no doubt about that.
They are also predominantly white for you white folk who don't want to see the truth.
Well organized, funded, and trained in military tactics, by the rich white guy democrats, which is exactly what is on full display right now, they are by design a group committed to chaos and anarchy. You the sheep eat it up like a pig at a buffet.
What we have seen lately is what starts out as peaceful protests somehow morphed into violence. Riots and looting have become the norm so the message of the protesters has been lost or diluted. You can get no redress of grievances n an atmosphere like this.
And the rich white Democrat controlled ANTIFA crowd knows it. So they dilute your peaceful protests by turning the subject into the violence and chaos making it appear that peaceful people are violent anarchists.
Then the MSM aids and abets by showing looters and rioters, which happen to be all black, stealing and causing havoc. The narrative is that the black folk are "standing up" to demand justice at the expense of the white folk who are now thinking all black people are bad.
So now all black people are labeled as bad just as all cops are labeled as bad by the black community. I won't even address the hypocrisy of that or the proof that this mindset is so far fetched.
The media has the same video of white people looting and causing chaos as so many do but they don't show that. Why not? Because it doesn't fit the narrative they want to put on us to divide us for their liberal ass leaders they answer to.
So now you have created an environment of everyone against everyone right? We are now divided right?
Who benefits? Certainly not you or I.
We have seen the Democrat Governors and Mayors allow the criminal rioters and looters to run free intentionally. The lawlessness allows them to come in after the fact, blame someone else, and enforce the progressive agenda they cannot obtain on their own. It also allows them the chance to continue with the coup against sitting president Trump.
Destroy the economy, blame someone else, and control the people. Textbook.
You accomplish that by taking the rich liberal white guy dressed in black with their little backpacks full of weapons and allowing them to go unchecked in the destruction of property in the poorest neighborhoods where they need it most.
None of you sheep on the street see that?
Think those morons care about you?
Hell no but you think he stands with you because the paid agitators that include him have come in and worked your feelings up to the core. Now you have an emotional response instead of a logical one and the mission is complete.
You bleeding hearts want to believe your feelings instead of your head. Wonder what the problem is?
But hey the white guy is getting paid while the black man's neighborhood is destroyed, and you continue electing the Democrat idiots who allowed it to happen.
These elected Democrats have refused to follow the law and allowed the destruction to happen intentionally.
For control over you. They get to pretend they care about the poor folk, the black community, and any other thing they can distort for their own gain power and control, by destroying the community that is peacefully standing and making you more dependent on him. They will promise all kinds of stuff, usually money, that never seems to show up.
Of course the so called "community leaders" get paid backdoor to quell the voices to aid them. The rich white liberal Democratic leader.
ANTIFA white guys are breaking windows and creating chaos quickly and then heading to the next target. They are using basic military tactics. Guarantee they are getting help from somewhere inside training them.
Call me a conspiracy theorist now but there will be FBI or CIA agents involved. These ANTIFA low life are not smart enough to train themselves. Not at this level.
They open the windows and doors by criminal means and then, human nature by emotional people that they got paid to fire up being what it is, looting begins. Looting is colorblind folks.
Anyone who thinks only black people are looting are pushing a narrative that just doesn't exist. White are looting too.
Chaos reigns supreme because the Democratic leaders wanted it this way. They give us rules and laws and then will not let police or others enforce them. They have put at a target on the police who do protect us, we know there are some bad police as there are bad people in every profession, but they do a good job overall. Now they are the enemy and some are calling for removing the police from their communities altogether.
Seriously you want that? How stupid are you. Police stood with us over teh Floyd killing, and Floyd was no saint either but certainly did not deserve what happened to him. Call me what you will, but the police stood with us.
So continue blaming Trump or anyone else you want for your troubles but the reality is the Democratic party is and has always been the party of racism. They have been covert about it and leading the sheep to an isle of dependency. One city and state at a time. by the way that doesn't involve Trump nor is it his fault. It is the LOCAL officials who are responsible for this.
We are seeing desperation now because they are being exposed day by day. The tricks they have been using have not worked to destroy America yet. What drives them right now is fear. Fear of being exposed.
And the way to do that is to divide us further, through the poorest most desperate among us, the easiest to control, and then they conquer.
Or so they think.
I am still betting on America being smart enough to realize this at some point.
But you do need to wake up to the reality though that you are being played.
And the rich white guys in the Democratic party are still the same ones who created the KKK. They still believe the same old racist things. They have just gotten smarter at finding a way to push their agenda.
It's about time we got smart enough to shut them down.
When you do that I will join the fight.
I will not join this faux race war based on such manipulation.
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