As many of you are aware by now a letter has been circulating in regards to Katie King and a 911 call at her home in February 2004. I received the same letter as many media outlets did. I decided to wait a couple of days before writing to analyze and dissect the letter.
Anyone with info on Katie King or any other story can always reach me at (502)742-8519 or write to me at
You can read Jake over at Page one for his take on it here: New Katie King Letter in the Mail.
This story is one that began back in July as I wrote about Katie and her "experience" then Louisville News and Politics: Katie King for judge?
Funnily enough the mainstream did not really want to do any in depth reporting on the KINGdom. The courier journal finally did do a quickie piece in this article this week: '04 pot bust in candidate's home courier-journal The Courier-Journal. There have been many continuing allegations of drug use including cocaine abuse by Katie in the past and the present.
I am curious why Katie was not arrested in February of 2004 for having drugs and paraphernalia in her home. If anyone was in this situation they would have also been arrested on the spot. It was HER home, there was pot in more than one area, and it was her responsibility accordingly. Personally I believe a random drug test by an outsider would calm most of these rumors of her present drug use but of course that will not happen.
I ask why not?
Most employers allow random drug tests based on suspicion. In this case we are expected to think that someone with little experience in law, has never tried a case herself, and has some serious issues to deal with apparently is to be trusted to pass judgement on anyone else?
Katie has already been found to have ethics violations during this campaign: This in addition to allowing her campaign to issue a false statement on behalf of her ex boyfriend Michael Detenber he did not approve.
If we are to be Katie's employer is she above the law? Are we going to lower our standards by allowing her to pass judgement on others when she has ethics problems already? If she cannot follow the law how can she effectively judge others for disobeying it?
Hypocritical perhaps? Do as I say not as I do. Therein lies the problem.
I prefer trust in our Judges. I prefer they have experience, values, morals, and ethics.
You bet. But if I am going to be judged I certainly want to know the one judging me is at least competent. Not bought by daddy's money.
Based on the lies from Katie about her experience, her ethics violations, her dishonest issuing of statements on behalf of an ex boyfriend, and her general disregard for the law certainly tells me we can do much better.
Do not be fooled by daddy's money and his interest in his KINGdom at our expense.
We the people deserve better.
Your thoughts?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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I really wish Mr. Detenber would have called that reporter and questioned him as to why he ran a piece without getting confirmation of the statement they say he released. He didn't say one word of what's printed. He just doesn't want to get involved with any of this. Taking that charge was hard enough, he went through the motions 4 years ago and did what the court asked thinking that he wouldn't have to deal with it again and move on, only to wake up Saturday and see that bullshit article. Now Katie tries to clear her name and paint the picture that she was disgusted that there was pot in the house. I'm his roommate and watched and heard all this go down over the past week. I remember this incident as well and can tell you she was not sober that night. From the Kings calling him to messages left on his phone,Katie's actions during this whole campaign make me sick. I have witnessed this girl do a myriad of drugs over the years. How can she not get any kind of attention from the CJ or news relating to the FACT that she has lied in all her ads, and has produced false statements and passed them off as quotes from an individual. Katie cannot even speak for herself and hides behind her 'team' so she doesn't make any stupid comments that would shine a light on how unqualified she was. Is there any way to find out if she was accused of cheating at UL officially? Would they keep any records of board rulings on that matter through the law school even if she did get around it. I would think that any court our attorney's office that was hiring law school graduates would want to see there school records. I know she was accused. And the way the CJ wrote that 'four for judge' article saying she is a hard worker with promise almost made me vomit. If they would actually look at the stories they posted and the polls taken by lawyers regarding experience they might have had something different to say. They even skewed the poll finding to make it look a little better than what they actually are. This whole issue is crazy! Your going to have a real hard time getting people to come out with their real names linking them to drug use with a judicial candidate. Especially if her camp has free reign to falsify statements and have no opposition to them being printed in the local paper. Most people her age that grew up around here and know her know the truth. The rumors are fact...I heard the FOP supports this true?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying very hard to figure out what her qualifications are to be a judge. Is it because her father is her biggest cheerleader and wants that position for her. After all since he controls the King Southern Bank, couldn't he just create a position for her. His son works for the bank so obviously its good enough to have him do so.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, what are her qualifications for the job? Judicial experience, nope. Trying cases, nope. Just really she has done nothing more than being a paralegal since she does not try the cases and really lacks the experience to do so.
Does her appearance or social status make her qualified for the position. It shouldn't but obviously there are those out there that will vote for someone such as this when that person doesn't have the qualifications to do so.
All over Metro Louisville you find businesses that complain about finding quality workforce team players yet they will hire based on who knows who rather than who knows what. So much for any sort of merit system. Qualifications, qualifications, qualifications.
Yet, somehow because she's using daddys money and daddys power that makes her qualified to be a judge. The fact that she is popular has an intellect does not substitute for experience in this case.
Furthermore, isn't this the Jim King that got all upset about the attempt to expand a home for troubled kids in his district. So where else are you going to put those kids, on the streets, in the gutter, where? Jim King backtracked on that threat to use the nuclear option as he said when going against the expansion of the home.
So what I question is this the type of person that we need in office. Nope.
Furthermore, why hasn't the known 911 call to her residence been explained and if there was evidence of drug usage or paraphenalia or anything else suspicious. Why wasn't there a thorough investigation about that call.
In Louisville, it seems to this writer that it matters more about who you know and how you are related than what your true qualifications are. Not based on who your father is or who your cousin is or how Aunt Matlida used to babysit your employers grandkids. That explains a lot of why Louisville is experiencing a lot of rot in not only its civil government but also in business organizations and across the city. A system of nepotism, cronyism, and favortism.
Mr. Detenber’s roommate,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your intelligent post and share in your frustrations. Yesterday’s closet endorsement of Katie’s campaign demonstrates the priorities of the Courier Journal. Why else would they have allowed Ms. King to libel Mr. Detenber and hide the content deep within the paper? We should have seen this coming. On June 3, 2008, Jim King coerced CJ political commentator, David Hawpe, to publish an endorsement of his daughter. Hawpe wrote, “Katie King is a fierce competitor -- captain of Assumption High School's first national championship volleyball team, then a four-year scholar-athlete at the University of Louisville where she carried not only her sports load but also a 3.85 grade point average in justice administration. She went to work as an assistant county attorney specifically to prepare for a career on the bench … The claim that she needs to pay more ‘dues’ sounds the local legal establishment chewing sour grapes.” Contrary to this drivel, no one is entitled to the bench. Nevertheless, Katie will likely prevail in this election. Her political advisors are intelligent. They have done an excellent job of sheltering her true identity from the general public. The FOP is indeed endorsing Katie, as well as most labor unions. Jim King’s authority over municipal funds “bought” this support. Her campaign has been subject to reproach from the state committee on judicial ethics, but the media is unaware. Although I have no doubt she cheated in law school, this allegation cannot be substantiated. Academic records are confidential. You have correctly gauged the difficulties in convincing someone to substantiate drug usage. Although I respect Mr. Detenber’s position not to comment, his silence is acquiescence to the Kings’ unethical conduct. The public cares more about a candidate’s willingness to speak the truth than about their college indiscretions. Knowing what you know, will you help prevent this girl from unseating an honorable man who worked diligently for decades to become the first blind judge in the history of our state? The King family lies will prevail unless a different version is proffered from Mr. Detenber. Television reporters are interested in the story. They have not covered the piece because the CJ ran the article first and the content has not been controverted. No one reads anymore; they watch television. I perceive you to be an honorable person. I do not doubt Mr. Detenber to be the same. If you are willing, I know a better way.
his name is brandon detenber not michael
ReplyDeleteThe Courier reported his name as Michael B. Detenber so I used that name. He may go Brandon and if so my apologies. If you know him have him call me at (502)742-8519 or write me at
ReplyDeleteI would love to talk with him.