I will be doing a series of articles concerning Code Enforcement, IPL, and BOZA. This series will expose everything I can find and will focus on the officers of each of these organizations. Time to get the ball rolling..........
First up is John Flood.
John Flood came to a Neighborhood group meeting at Catfish Haven incognito a few months ago in November 2007. Of course he did not tell anyone who he was yet he was identified easily.
One of the problems addressed at this meeting was IPL and code enforcement harassment.
During the course of the meeting Mr. Flood was on the spot for the perceived injustices of his office. Well from my standpoint there was nothing perceived about it.
When John was pushed on the issues concerning residents, and asked about quotas, his response was simple:
"I require my inspectors to write up 15-18 inspections per day."
This is a record that yes there are indeed quotas by Metro government employees and yes Mr. Flood is aware and "requires" them. Is this legal or ethical?
Having known John Flood was a Democrat insider for many years I decided to retrace my facts on Mr. Flood and see what was out there.
I will begin with a question.
If any of you out there knowingly falsely endorsed someone else's check that did not belong to you and put it in your personal account for personal use what would happen?
You would be in jail for theft. That's a no brainer.
John Flood was convicted of 9 FELONIES for doing just that. As a Democrat Party official in 1995 John Flood was in charge of a get out the vote effort in Newburg area. More than 20 people showed up to pass out literature for the Democratic Party.
They were each paid $25 or $50 for their efforts. The State Democratic Party issued checks in advance made out to people who did the work.
Some didn't show up so what happened?
The checks were falsely endorsed by John Flood and deposited in John Flood's bank account.
The Judge overseeing the case Judge James Shake, who today is seeking the Supreme Court of Kentucky, decided that John Flood did not have to go to prison for his theft, even though John Flood's attorney and the prosecuting attorney had agreed on an 18 month prison term, because John was such a solid citizen and community leader.
Judge Shake decided against prison. Gee I feel so much better by leaders like this who are caught.
Such an outstanding citizen like this certainly warrants a good City government job given to him right?
*Well Darryl Owens himself in 1998 apparently thought so and hired John Flood as an administrative assistant for $28,000 a year. You have to wonder how many convicted felons get this kind of special treatment don't you?
Some of John Flood's duties included screening applications for County Boards and commissions (this was pre merger), reviewing fiscal court documents ( I love this a felon reviewing Court documents for accuracy), and attending neighborhood meetings.
And of course since merger he continues to be taken care of as a convicted felon with a good paying Government job as one of the Chiefs in Code enforcement.
Oh and of course his wife is MaDonna Flood current Council woman. More on her in other articles to come.
Folks this is political patronage pure and simple. No other felon committing acts like this would be allowed to skip jail with a small $300 fine and a probation. Nor should they be.
When you steal checks made out to others and use them as your own money this is not an accident. Endorsing someone's else's check requires a thought process.
But I guess one thing has changed.
Instead of stealing money for his use from the party coffers, he now sets up illegal quotas and stealing from the pockets of all of us so he can get a good raise or another appointment in essence putting more money in his pocket.
It is time we called these people out.
Never for ordinary people convicted of felonies do they get special treatment and cushy government jobs.
There is more to come in future articles stay tuned.
Next Up: IPL inspector Michael Baugh exposed..............
*Source Courier Journal, Sheldon S. Shafer, January 14, 1998
Friday, August 8, 2008
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Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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Ed - did you see this on the CJ website?
ReplyDeleteActually, to the gentleperson referring to john Flood, here is the rest of the skinny:
Recently charged (case 08-M-018507) to one count of false swearing by members of the LMPD Public Integrity Unit. To my knowledge still employed by IPL...
Indicted and convicted (under case 96CR002531) for a toal of 29 counts... 15 counts TBUT under, 1 count False Swearing, 13 counts CPFI 2nd. Plead guilty and was sentenced to probation (18 months for a period of 5 years) by Judge Shake. Also had to repay the state Democratic Party a paltry $300.
But he is a standard example of the Mayor's politically based appointees....