First let me say thanks to each of you for visiting this website. I am greatly humbled at how many of you take an interest in what I report and what is going on in Louisville.
Over the last 30 days we have had over 1700 visitors. To say this site is growing quickly is an understatement. I hope to continue earning your trust and viewership with even more reports in the near future.
Which brings me to this.
Many have asked to help them contact me easier via email instead of through the comments portion of this blog. As always the email address is
Many have sent comments as anonymous with no facts in them. Opinions will always be allowed, however, there have been one or two cases where I have received "anonymous" comments alleging things against others with no facts or email address or any other way to contact to confirm the allegations.
Integrity is a key thing for me and as much as I would like to allow a "no holds barred" approach to some degree with this blog I cannot in good conscience do that. I pride myself not to be a sellout like mainstream news.
If anyone has any information they would like to share about a story I have done (or a story you want me to do) please let me know by emailing me direct or phone 742-8519.
You will remain anonymous but crucial info is still needed in most cases to verify information.
A good case in point is the free for all concerning Katie King for example. A 911 call was exposed on local media, WHAS TV news and the Courier Journal, and all of a sudden the CJ site had so many allegations against her concerning a variety of issues it would be and was very tempting to go with some sort of story solely on the allegations.
As tempting as it was, and still is, it just wasn't right to report on unproven allegations. Are the allegations true? Could be but if they are someone needs to help verify with facts. Dates, times, witnesses etc. This type of information is necessary. You can contact me with information on this or any other thing you would like investigated.
Anonymously of course.
Anyone can write allegations but without facts they are meaningless. I am a fact kind of guy.
Help me help us all with any issues and help me make it factual.
Unlike a lot of other blog site "reports," in this blog facts do matter.
Again, thanks for helping make this blog a success so far. I hope to continue helping be a voice for us all.
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9/11 Twenty-One Years later....
This will not be the post you expect from the headline. Fair warning..... Most remember the events of 9/11. How anyone could forget I have n...
Apparently neither mind ethics violations for campaign purposes. On Saturday Councilwoman Vickie Welch had advertised a coffee with her Dis...
I was recently asked by some sportsmen why the Jim Strader Hunting and Fishing expo was not being held this year. Though I am an avid gun ri...
Rick Redding over at thevillevoice has been following the Southern Belles occassionally this season and posted his last (according to him) p...
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Yours truly,
Ed Springston