Saturday was the Southwest Festival at Sun Valley Park off Dixie Highway. Many of you already know that Sun Valley is a Metro Parks PUBLIC place. With this in mind of course every politician was in force passing out literature and lying to the voters as usual. Even the Mayor was there to support his Democrat rubber stamps.
Around 11 am or so a group showed up dressed in Halloween costumes. One dressed as Santa Claus complete with a young one beside him walking through the crowd. The young one had one of those "Eat at Joe's" type signs hanging from him which said on the front: "All I want for Christmas is......" with the back showing "a new Metro Council."
A second person was dressed as a bad clown with writing that simply said: " I am Clowncilman Henderson Vote me out of office."
And finally a third was dressed up as Osama Bin Laden with literature to pass out concerning the new bomb shelter facility on Cardinal Hill water reservoir out here being a terrorist thing.
Someone got creative in protesting to say the least. It is about time really. Since the Mayor didn't like it, and no doubt Bob "rubberstamp" Henderson didn't either, the Mayor and his cronies decided the protesters must leave so they had 5 police officers remove these people from the premises.
This is a clear violation of civil rights and free speech rights.
Once again this Mayor decides what is allowed and is not in regards to free speech. This is a public park paid for by our tax dollars and we have the right to assembly regardless of what the Mayor wants. To use the police to violate these rights is a direct problem for myself and many others who believe our rights are defensible.
From what I am told the event organizer was even screaming and yelling at these folks using language that sailors would be proud of. Of course using it in public in front of people and assumedly kids doesn't inspire me that this organizer really cares about much.
It is pathetic that this Mayor and his political cronies have decided they have the rights to abuse ours. When we are not allowed to assembly on property we paid for then we must stand up and say no more.
There was no reason to force these folks from the Festival and off the property other than the fact they stood up against the politicians who are allowed to go wherever they want, and do whatever they want, without fear of confrontation. They were harming no one.
One more pathetic abuse of power by this administration.
I hope these folks file suit for civil rights violations. This Mayor and his pet gestapo enforcers need to be held accountable.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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Ed, all I can say is that I hope you're kidding. "King" Jerry can not have people removed for exercising their 1st Amendment rights at an open public event. It sounds like they weren't causing a disturbance (if fact, they sound entertaining). If the event organizers had a problem, they needed to step up and say so. Of course, they'd have to ban ALL candidiates from the event (unless, perhaps, if they rented booths and stayed within the confines of the booth).
ReplyDeleteI suspect this was really about folks challenging "King" Jerry and his cronies, and expecially those who opposed the placement of the ordianance facility in the SW. Jerry's ego has, in my opinion, outgrown his ability to be a fair minded and effective mayor. In short,I think he needs to go into forced retirement along with his cronies on the Metro Council and in the Metro Government.
Let's see, what would be a good headline for this story? You pick it:
ReplyDelete1. Santa Clause not welcome at Southwest Festival
2. Terrorists no longer worried about security check point BOMBS already in Valley Station
3. "Clown"cilman Henderson gets kicked out of Southwest Festival
Ed, I just heard from one of the participants and got a decidedly different story. The festival, like many other festivals, requires anyone who passes out material to have a booth. This ensures that “unwanted” elements don’t harass the patrons and at the same time, helps the festival through booth rental fees. I was told that the individuals involve did not have booth space, and they were politely advised of the festival’s rules. Also, they did not leave under police escort, but on their own. Other candidates who showed up were advised of the festival’s rules concerning passing material without having a booth. They quietly left without incident. Abramson too was said to have already left the festival.
ReplyDeleteIt seems we have two very different descriptions of events and that concerns me. I am one of those who enjoy our area festivals and I don’t want them hurt because of political showmanship as I'm sure you don't either. Therefore, would you be willing to do a follow up story? I would strongly recommend that both sides be interviewed and allowed to tell their side of what happened. For the sake of our festivals, we can’t allow them to be used as a backdrop for political mudslinging.
Ask Ray Crider why he called the police to escort Santa Claus out of the public park. Ray is a just another henchman like Bob Henderson. The 1st admendment does not apply to those that oppose Jerry, Bob Henerson and their thugs. I cant wait until the law suit is filed against the city for their actions.
ReplyDeleteRay is a known longtime Democrat activist. Also it has been said by a couple of witnesses that Ray was the one cussing and ranting at Thieneman for being there like that.
ReplyDeleteAlso I wonder based on your statement, "This ensures that “unwanted” elements don’t harass the patrons and at the same time, helps the festival through booth rental fees," if they were more worried about the "unwanted" element than the fees generated.
Accordingly with witnesses telling their side I am sure there is more to the story.
According to the WAVE3 story Thieneman offered to pay the $150 and Ray refused. Cryder's version is that Chris never offered.
At the same time another politician was there and was told to pay the $150 and they did not have the money so they left.
The interesting thing is I have had past dealings with Chris and it sounds like something he would do in offering the booth money on the spot. At the same time did they ask him to?
If they asked someone else to and they did not have the money and left then was the same offer extended to Chris? Chris would not think twice about the $150 dollars IMO based on my past dealings with him.
The WAVE 3 piece was telling based on the above.
With all that said the question raised is not one of booth rental. It is one of 1st amendment rights.
Since the festival is a public open event and one that, to my knowledge, is also co sponsored by metro parks or any city agency, it therefore would and should be held accountable as a public event not a private one.
There is more to the story that will come I am sure.
And for readers who have more information I can be contatced as always at or (502)742-8519.
Mr. Hosse -
12. All Political Candidates who are soliciting votes or passing out campaign material, are required to purchase a booth space. Large campaign signs on SWF grounds & parking facilities will require a booth space fee if candidate does not have a booth space.
SW Festival Rules
Thieneman is NOT a Candidate.
Therefore he did NOT need a booth.
Thieneman FOLLOWED the RULES that were WRITTEN.
He apparently violated a "Ray Crider Rule".
(Crider's daughter (Dana Delepierre) is the Supervisor for the Sun Valley Community Center and a staunch ally of "Clowncilman" Henderson.)
Below from comments:
Also, this Festival received $5000.00 in PUBLIC MONEY and was being staged in a PUBLIC PARK.
(See the Metro Council Minutes for June 12, 2008) that gave final approval to this $5000.00 handout from the public treasury.
We ALL should be OUTRAGED
Thieneman’s FIRST AMENDMENT rights
And it only took you two weeks to figure out how to say idiot? I am impressed.
ReplyDeleteI always figured you insiders were even slower than that. I can honestly say that being an outsider does not bother me at all. I would rather be an outsider compared to the insiders that are destroying this City.
I promised we would expose the problems and effect positive change one way or the other when running for office. I will continue doing that for accountability. Sorry if it will hurt when you are exposed as well.
Thanks for writing.