Crit Luallen today released the findings of her audit on the Louisville Metro Housing Department records and honestly there were no surprises here I assure you. The management of this City has long been under fire from myself, and many others throughout the community, so much so that in fact I personally feel vindicated to a degree knowing that the hours and requests to agencies to check things out have not been wasted.
According to the report from the CJ, (Audit: problems in Louisville housing agency serious courier-journal The Courier-Journal), LuAllen is quoted as saying: "...the mismanagement was so widespread that her team was unable to verify the accuracy of the department’s financial statements."
That is a very telling statement in itself and one that will be mirrored in future findings I am sure.
Welcome to the plight of most of us in Louisville. Folks, as you know I have been asking for an audit of the books for months now. I actually started trying to force transparency and openness during the Mayoral race in 2006 I was in. This is just one example of why we need the audit and we need transparency.
This is also just the tip of the iceberg IMO. In fact I wonder if Jerry's own arrogance is now his downfall. Kimberly Bunton was in charge at the time problems arose and were discovered. She was also appointed directly by Jerry Abramson.
She isn't the first, or the last, Abramson appointee that will be found guilty of gross mismanagement and being in "over her head." When the smoke clears, if the audits continue, we will see a widespread systematic failure of leadership on Abramson's part base don who the "yes" people are versus the ones who can do the job.
In fact I also wonder if Abramson blaming Crit LuAllen for the failure of having a CAFR yet perhaps made her look a bit more closely at the financials. Is the CAFR being delayed because Crit is doing a serious audit on it not a perfunctory one? Of course I am a Crit LuAllen fan and she has always been a person of integrity in my book.
Even with all the garbage going around during the Patton years.
Crit goes on to say "Any taxpayer ought to be concerned when we find an agency this large with a lack of competence, a lack of ethical guidelines and a lack of direction,” she said at the news conference.
You bet we should. After trying to force these issues to light and force someone to take a look at the way things are run here it is great to see that work coming to fruition. But again, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
This is just one indicator from the audit that should alarm each of us as it is system wide within the Abramson regime:
FINDING 08-HFS01-01: Management Of Department Of Housing And Family Services Lacked Basic Understanding Of Programs Within The Department And Did Not Provide Staff Proper Direction And Oversight Of Procedures And Processes, Increasing The Risk For Fraud Or Error
During our audit we noted, based on interviews with the Department of Housing and Family Services (HFS) staff, as well as audit procedures conducted throughout the audit, that those in management positions did not have a basic understanding of the programs within HFS, did not provide proper staff direction, and did not provide proper oversight of procedures and processes.
Several staff and managers interviewed could not tell Auditor of Public Accounts staff what job functions were assigned to them, to whom they were to report, or who they supervised.
How can you run any department like this? And there are more departments than this one like this I assure you. All with Abramson appointees.
Management regularly moved staff from one program or division to another and did not fill program manager positions, which are essential to proper grant administration. This resulted in staff working on and overseeing federal programs with which they were not familiar and without the benefit of knowledgeable management oversight.
Folks this is BASIC Management 101 stuff that severely lacks throughout Metro thanks to political appointments by Abramson. Let's not forget the whole Summers issue recently released where Deputy Mayor Summers has given his kids $64,000 a year jobs without anyone else being considered or applying. Also do not forget the involvement of Summers other son, Will VP of Chemical Bank, with the arena project.
With the recent disapproval of Abramson up to 42%, according to a WHAS poll, could this finally be the beginning of the end for the abusive, arrogant, power hungry Mayor Abramson himself? Many of us hope so. The blatant disregard for we the people of this Louisville and his continuance to believe he is above reproach has to come to an end.
Great work Ms. LuAllen and thanks from one citizen who is grateful this is finally being checked out.
Now let's all hammer the House in Frankfort and force them to pass the transparency bill they are wavering on (yes they are I spoke with a couple House members today) and get the accountability and transparency we deserve.
Stay tuned this will get better........
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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Its time to clean out the rats nest at Metro Hall. That includes the Mayor and his staff and goes through every department. I was recently down at the offices of our Jefferson County clerk and one can find employees sitting around talking basketball rather than helping a concerned citizen trying to start a business and find the proper forms and legal procedure to start that business.
ReplyDeleteInstead of getting some help, I get to stand in place for ten minutes while 3 people are talking about basketball just across the way. When I proceeded to walk toward them, they ignored me and decided instead of conducting business that the latest U of L game was most important. I wonder what these people are doing in county government or in anything when they dont even do their own jobs correctly.
As far as Crit Luallen goes, I am glad to see that she is not afraid to step on some toes and start bringing up the issues. Its long past due that she can do that and start auditing everything in Metro Government.
I strongly believe that every agency of Metro Government needs to be thoroughly audited by the state and criminal charges need to be brought where they must be done.
It is time to audit all of the books and procedures of the Metro Government because they have proven themselves incapable and incompetent to self audit their own books and make sure they are properly administrating government programs and bringing about the proper measures to follow the law.
I'm just looking for the office of Crit Luallen to continue their looking out for Kentucky taxpayers. Especially in a severe recession when every penny is important to all of us. I think that it is time to start auditing the books of all Metro government departments. That way we can start to determine how the CAFR is composed and know all of the facts of where this money has been spent.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should point out to the first responder that the Clerk's office has nothing to do with the Mayor's administration. The Clerk's office is run by Republican Bobbie Holsclaw.
ReplyDeleteWhile it is true that the Mayor's office has nothing directly to do with Jefferson County Clerk's Office Bobbie Holsclaw County Clerk, it does have to do with our taxpayer dollars. Which in this time of economic recession, job losses, taxation issues, economic displacement, and increasing poverty are in the right to know of every citizen.
ReplyDeleteYour attempt to deflect from that comment is obviously more of an issue than who was responsible for the problems. Its time to start cleaning up the Metro Government as well as the Jefferson County offices as well. They may not be political friends or in the same jurisdiction yet they are still responsible to We The People.
By the way folks, if you want to do something start asking your Commonwealth of Kentucky Auditor Crit Luallen to start auditing every section and department of Louisville Metro Government as well as every other branch of government in this city. Maybe they need auditors for the whole state considering that Governor Beshear keeps on telling us about the massive budget deficit. I wonder how much in the way of funds keep on getting stolen or slid into someones pocket.
To end up 400 million in the hole is unacceptable in a state that has some of the highest state income taxes in the region. Higher than Indiana even and same as Ohio. Let's ask why these people can continue to get away with this. Not to mention that every state agency needs to be audited on a regular basis to determine what funds are being spent on and what projects are being reasonably completed or are ongoing.
I personally believe it is TIME we the people of Louisville put "ADOLPF" ABRAMSON out of office and send all of his flunkies with him! He is NOT and NEVER has been a Mayor he has only been a dictator. The misuse of money that goes on should reflect at the polls, he has NEVER recieved a vote from myself or my family nor will he EVER!!! The people in the Southend and all of Louisville has suffered enough abuse from these people and it is time for it to stop!! Metro Counsil is nothing more than a way to shoulder Abramsons faults he needs nothing more than someone besides himself to blame!!I PRAY that Crit will continue to investigate and will properly press charges on the GUILTY ones!!
ReplyDeleteHave you ever noticed that, according to the recently issued CAFR, almost all of the governmental agencies in Louisville (component units in the CAFR) are audited by the same privately owned CPA firm? Is this coincidence?