The hypocrisy of Bob "Rubberstamp" Henderson continues. Recently he decided to sick his IPL friends on Chris Thieneman for a truck Thieneman had parked on his property letting everyone know about an open public meeting on October 30 regarding the Form District change Henderson supports. Louisville News and Politics: BOB HENDERSON: THE HARASSMENT AND HYPOCRISY CONTINUES......
Of course this project has been temporarily halted until after election according to insider info coming from Ed Mellett. Louisville News and Politics: FORM DISTRICT CHANGE: ONLY DROPPED TEMPORARILY
This is exactly the kind of hypocrisy we need to get rid of. Henderson, Norman Pepper, and Jack Wood love to take a couple vehicles and park them in lots for a day or two in violation of IPL rules. Why do I mention Jack Wood as well?
Simple these guys think they are above the law.
Henderson is so hypocritical I could spend hours on him, literally, but instead I ask you to look at this: Louisville News and Politics: HENDERSON LIES ABOUT FORM DISTRICT CHANGE AND OTHER THINGS....
It is a pretty good summary of Bob Henderson in District 14.
Next is Norman Pepper. Pepper has been a solid small businessman in this community for many years. I have even sided with Pepper publicly on the story of IPL trying to get rid of his fish. I even went to Code enforcement for a hearing to testify on his behalf. This case is a good one and I believe Pepper should win ultimately.
This does not a Councilman make however. Pepper has shown time and again if it affects him he gets angry. We all would. The problem is that is the only reason Pepper is running. When you ask Pepper about issues he literally is clueless.
When asked about the most pressing thing in the District and Louisville all he will speak about is the price of corn and barley. Good thing? Sure on a national level where it actually makes sense to attack the issue of pricing. There is absolutely NOTHING, however, in this issue that affects the City of Louisville or the District in any significant way.
When you speak to Pepper about any other issues there is literally nothing he can say. He has no clue whatsoever about how Government works and no clue on what to do if elected. His biggest concern is saving wildlife, and nature. Though a worthy goal Pepper will not be taken serious if elected and has no input whatsoever on how to make things better for the average citizen. In many ways seems like Pepper may have some memory problems IMO. That doesn't bode well for gaining any respect for the District to help make the changes necessary to be included in this Metro Government.
Now Jack Wood, or he will say his daughter, what can be said. Jack came to Louisville with a load of baggage behind him. A lot of people do not know the real Jack Wood's politics, and even less of his 23 year old fresh out of college daughter, nor much about his background so I will fill in some slots. If they did it would be a surprise he could even get votes. Aside from moving here AFTER being investigated for arson on his own property Jack has not remained unscathed here politically either.
Jack will do whatever he can to get an elected position and will use whoever he can unethically or otherwise to get there. He has NOT allowed anyone to talk with his daughter about her stance on anything, and the only thing Jack will say is that she is young and pretty so this qualifies her.
There is literally nothing to go on. No one has ever seen her or heard her speak about anything whatsoever in regards to the issues of District 14 or how she will effect the City if elected to the Metro Council.
He recently sent a mailer to Democrats homes in District 14. Did it say anything about her issues? Nope nothing,nada, zilch. Just a couple of home photos "dumbing down" the way she normally portrays herself and a UK and UL calendar. Are we this stupid we do not deserve content from someone seeking office? Apparently Wood thinks so.
As a lawyer Jack Wood has been sanctioned by the bar, been a one time Circuit Judge twice disciplined for election deception, one who changes parties at will to try and get elected, and seems to have as his primary income NOT a law office, but a tiny Carpet sales business and a few rental properties on Dixie Hwy. IS this someone who can be trusted?
Since Jack will not allow us to judge his daughter's credentials on issues stances than we must by default look at his since he is trying to get her elected for his gain in my opinion. With this in mind it is important to look at Jack's history in politics. One question that begs an answer from the party faithful, Jack which party are you a member of this year? There was a great interview on John Ziegler show at WHAS in 2002 where Jack admits he joins a party because that is the majority of voters in the district. Sad to know it isn't about substance but how you can screw the people into thinking you may be something you are not?
The answer of course would be whichever one will get him elected or appointed to a City paying job. Well at least for 2 years. In the absence of that I guess now he wants to push his daughter into something she obviously has not shown, or been allowed to show, she wants to do so he can become her Legislative Aide ( a paying position) or power behind the throne, so to speak.
Here is some public material on Jack Wood's politics for your review. Please do not be fooled by the whole C District Commissioner garbage that he uses like it means something. We will start there.....
---------- Kentucky Law Review November 20, 2007: Kentucky Law Review: LAWYERS: Louisville Attorney Jack Wood In Write In Race for County Commissioner - Office with NO duties (Wood ran as Republican)
Let's look at Wood's claim to being "our" C District commissioner.
Wood ran for "C" District commissioner on a write in campaign for a job that had NO DUTIES AND NO RESPONSIBILITY for the position. It was a unique situation that should have been dissolved by merger but could not be overlooked for constitutional reasons.
Jack ran as a write in, against you guessed it another write in, candidate for a defunct NO DUTY position and still almost lost essentially to himself. It was so close we had to spend $5000 to count the vote.
Talk about wasting the taxpayers' money. It cost $5,000 to determine which of two write-in candidates for "C" District commissioner in Jefferson County got the most votes. He allowed us to waste $5000 of our tax money for a job that had no duties, no responsibilities, no pay and in short did nothing.
Why? For his own ego and to make people believe he was in a position to do something for them when he could not. Deceptive? You be the judge.
---------- From the Kentucky Law Review November 8, 2006: Kentucky Law : 2006 Election
Jefferson Family Court, Div. 10
This should be a two person race, and not even on the ballot but for the brazen efforts of Jack Wood. Paula Sherlock and Susan Swope Atkins should come in one and two, and hopefully the voters will have tired of the antics of Wood and hit him hard enough to keep him in the 'wood shed'.
---------- From the Courier Journal article by Scott Riley in 2007:
Jack Wood, a lawyer who’s running for Jefferson County family court judge, wanted a judge to disqualify his competition. He sued his two opponents, claiming they didn’t file their papers correctly, in part because they wrote “10th” instead of “Tenth” to identify the court seat.
The answer of course would be whichever one will get him elected or appointed to a City paying job. Well at least for 2 years. In the absence of that I guess now he wants to push his daughter into something she obviously has not shown, or been allowed to show, she wants to do so he can become her Legislative Aide ( a paying position) or power behind the throne, so to speak.
Here is some public material on Jack Wood's politics for your review. Please do not be fooled by the whole C District Commissioner garbage that he uses like it means something. We will start there.....
---------- Kentucky Law Review November 20, 2007: Kentucky Law Review: LAWYERS: Louisville Attorney Jack Wood In Write In Race for County Commissioner - Office with NO duties (Wood ran as Republican)
Let's look at Wood's claim to being "our" C District commissioner.
Wood ran for "C" District commissioner on a write in campaign for a job that had NO DUTIES AND NO RESPONSIBILITY for the position. It was a unique situation that should have been dissolved by merger but could not be overlooked for constitutional reasons.
Jack ran as a write in, against you guessed it another write in, candidate for a defunct NO DUTY position and still almost lost essentially to himself. It was so close we had to spend $5000 to count the vote.
Talk about wasting the taxpayers' money. It cost $5,000 to determine which of two write-in candidates for "C" District commissioner in Jefferson County got the most votes. He allowed us to waste $5000 of our tax money for a job that had no duties, no responsibilities, no pay and in short did nothing.
Why? For his own ego and to make people believe he was in a position to do something for them when he could not. Deceptive? You be the judge.
---------- From the Kentucky Law Review November 8, 2006: Kentucky Law : 2006 Election
Jefferson Family Court, Div. 10
This should be a two person race, and not even on the ballot but for the brazen efforts of Jack Wood. Paula Sherlock and Susan Swope Atkins should come in one and two, and hopefully the voters will have tired of the antics of Wood and hit him hard enough to keep him in the 'wood shed'.
---------- From the Courier Journal article by Scott Riley in 2007:
Jack Wood, a lawyer who’s running for Jefferson County family court judge, wanted a judge to disqualify his competition. He sued his two opponents, claiming they didn’t file their papers correctly, in part because they wrote “10th” instead of “Tenth” to identify the court seat.
But in the end, all Wood got was a judicial scolding and an order to pay the legal fees of his opponents — incumbent Paula Sherlock and Rebecca Swope Atkins.
In a ruling released yesterday, Jefferson Circuit Judge Barry Willett called Wood’s lawsuit absurd and said it was “completely devoid of any factual or legal merit.”
Willett noted that the only filing petition that wasn’t clear was Wood’s, since it appeared Wood checked boxes saying he was running for both circuit court and family court.
Here is the complete decision:
---------- Cincinnati Enquirer 2003: No one's perfect in race for attorney general job (Wood running Republican)
A one-time District Court judge in rural southern Kentucky, Wood twice was disciplined for alleged deceptive election advertising in the early 1980s. He also feuded publicly with his court clerk and a former law partner.
To quote Greg Stumbo from that article: "If I had a record like Jack Wood, I'd be ashamed,"
---------- From Bluegrass Report March 2006: BluegrassReport.org: Not HIM Again?
Of all the catastrophic mistakes Kentucky Republicans have made over the past few years, few have proven to be as disastrous as its failure to nominate a credible nominee for attorney general in 2003, instead of the crazy man they did nominate -- Jack Wood (R) -- who went on to lose to now Attorney General Greg Stumbo by six points.
Well, Jack is back, and running for Family Court judge in Jefferson County hoping to join other crackpot family court judges like Tim Philpot and Debra Lambert.
More from BGR: BluegrassReport.org: Jack Conway (D) v. Stan Lee (R)
Ohio River blog April 2007: Ohio River, Left Bank, MP 606: 82. Candidates and Clubs - and a Look Forward to 2008
Four years ago, the Republicans took Tim Feeley - a good man - for granted, assuming he would be nominated as their candidate for Attorney General. He wasn't; Jack Wood of Valley Station was. This time Wood is running as a Democrat. Democratic primary voters should look toward Todd Hollenbach or Mike Weaver in this race.
---------- And finally this from March 2007:Candidates turn to N.Ky. Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
If Jack wants us to elect his daughter based on his word, not hers, then isn't it important to see what he stands for? We do not need more of the same selfish mentality in politics that this candidacy seems to offer. We have enough of that now with the Abramson machine and his lock step marchers in Bob Henderson, Rick Blackwell, and MaDonna Flood.
If Jennifer truly wants an elected office in the future I would ask her to do one thing. Get involved. Who knows maybe if she is serious she could convince me to vote for her in a few years. But no way, no how, right now based on the word of Jack.
We deserve better representation than what we get now and what the candidacies of Bob Henderson, Norman Pepper, or Jack er Jack's daughter Wood have to offer.
In a ruling released yesterday, Jefferson Circuit Judge Barry Willett called Wood’s lawsuit absurd and said it was “completely devoid of any factual or legal merit.”
Willett noted that the only filing petition that wasn’t clear was Wood’s, since it appeared Wood checked boxes saying he was running for both circuit court and family court.
Here is the complete decision:
---------- Cincinnati Enquirer 2003: No one's perfect in race for attorney general job (Wood running Republican)
A one-time District Court judge in rural southern Kentucky, Wood twice was disciplined for alleged deceptive election advertising in the early 1980s. He also feuded publicly with his court clerk and a former law partner.
To quote Greg Stumbo from that article: "If I had a record like Jack Wood, I'd be ashamed,"
---------- From Bluegrass Report March 2006: BluegrassReport.org: Not HIM Again?
Of all the catastrophic mistakes Kentucky Republicans have made over the past few years, few have proven to be as disastrous as its failure to nominate a credible nominee for attorney general in 2003, instead of the crazy man they did nominate -- Jack Wood (R) -- who went on to lose to now Attorney General Greg Stumbo by six points.
Well, Jack is back, and running for Family Court judge in Jefferson County hoping to join other crackpot family court judges like Tim Philpot and Debra Lambert.
More from BGR: BluegrassReport.org: Jack Conway (D) v. Stan Lee (R)
Ohio River blog April 2007: Ohio River, Left Bank, MP 606: 82. Candidates and Clubs - and a Look Forward to 2008
Four years ago, the Republicans took Tim Feeley - a good man - for granted, assuming he would be nominated as their candidate for Attorney General. He wasn't; Jack Wood of Valley Station was. This time Wood is running as a Democrat. Democratic primary voters should look toward Todd Hollenbach or Mike Weaver in this race.
---------- And finally this from March 2007:Candidates turn to N.Ky. Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
If Jack wants us to elect his daughter based on his word, not hers, then isn't it important to see what he stands for? We do not need more of the same selfish mentality in politics that this candidacy seems to offer. We have enough of that now with the Abramson machine and his lock step marchers in Bob Henderson, Rick Blackwell, and MaDonna Flood.
If Jennifer truly wants an elected office in the future I would ask her to do one thing. Get involved. Who knows maybe if she is serious she could convince me to vote for her in a few years. But no way, no how, right now based on the word of Jack.
We deserve better representation than what we get now and what the candidacies of Bob Henderson, Norman Pepper, or Jack er Jack's daughter Wood have to offer.
ReplyDeleteThat is an outstanding piece of citizen reporting about the real issues and why are all these people coming out of the woodwork to run without any knowledge of the issues facing the Southwest or any other part of Jefferson County. In fact, I think that all representatives should make the attempt to know facts and various things about the various Metro Council districts around the city.
The reason behind that is that the Metro Council votes on every kind of ordinance and enabling legislation that affects every member of this community. Whether you live in the East End, South End or West End, their decisions and at this point lack of leadership and discernment have led to the current problems we have economically, socially, politically, etc.
Anyway, just had to comment about that and think you're doing a yeomans job at educating the public about who the real crooks are running things in this city.
ReplyDeleteUnendorsed candidates for the 14th got a chance to reply in today's CJ.
Wood claims to be the Republican candidate. Jeez...the South End's Sarah Palin.