The absurdity of Katie King running for any office, much less a judgeship, has reached new lows. Her dad Metro Council President is aware and knows the law. Today at page one What Are Katie King’s People Thinking?#comment-26942.
Kudos to Jake for bringing this to our attention. How pathetic is Katie King and her Dad? Well if you look at the picture you will note the officers are in uniform which is a violation of law.
KRSC.317(4) - No officer covered by the provisions of KRS 67C.301 to 67C.327 shall foster, promote, or be concerned with any actions involving political or religious controversies or prejudices while in uniform.
According to LMPD spokesman Detective Russell these are NOT pictures of LMPD officers. Does anyone else have a problem with the layout saying Katie King is supported by Louisville Police? By illegally using these photos and IMPLYING these are LMPD officers once again she is willfully LYING to the voters.
This is intentional misrepresentation by her and yet another violation of law from someone who wants to Judge others. Remember she has already been found in violation in August: Louisville News and Politics: KATIE KING: Are you serious?
This is a slap in the face to LMPD and all of us who expect better from potential judges. Katie King is on an ego trip aided and abetted by her dad, Metro Council President Jim King, it would seem. She seems to be in enough trouble to worry about her job so I guess the next best thing is for daddy to buy her the Judgeship so she is the boss and not accountable.
Of course the illegal "damage" is done. Regardless of what happens at this point the mailer has been out. So what happens now? Very little. When found guilty she will be fined and daddy will pay the fine. No biggie for them. I am sure Jim King is having a great laugh over this.
He knows this is in violation but it goes to show how low they will sink to protect poor silver spoon fed Katie from the big bad bosses who want her accountable as all employers should.
We do not need this in our Judges. The King bandwagon needs to stop now.
Vote David Holton.
I believe that all of these officers need to be fired as well since they know the law or should. At the very least, they should be suspended without pay.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Katie King goes, I think that this whole debacle is a black eye on the city of Louisville because when someone with this type of issues is being this close to being voted in, then that shows to me that the electorate is largely uninformed and doesn't care. Its pretty sad in my estimation that someone like this can basically get elected because of name recognition only. No real background in trying cases. A past that has certain issues that are not only ethically wrong but violate the spirit of the law.
I believe that a judge such as this needs to be disbarred on basis of personal conduct as well. I think that people should start to work to getting her disbarred from the legal system that represents the citizens of this community. A community that needs to take a serious wake up call to who they have running for political office.
Also, I believe that THEY have politicized the judgeship process by this very means. Rather than being based on merit, experience, and a sound knowledge of the law and application of the law, what she is doing is throwing her nose up at everyone because she has such strong backing and support from the machine.
What she is doing, oh heck who are we kidding, what daddy Metro Council President Jim King is doing is trying to buy his daughter an election.
ReplyDeleteIt must be hard for him when Katie cries "but daddy I cannot get to work on time because I party to hard late night. They are picking on me it isn't my fault." Well being the good ole daddy Jim King he has to take care of his baby girl doesn't he? His response "It is ok honey daddy will buy you an election so no one can make you come to work if you don't want to."
Yep I can picture it.
Did the Kings bump off inveterate anti-King poster Dwayne C. LeFony? He's been silent for weeks.
ReplyDeleteGood question and I do not know. It is kind of odd he disappeared after giving us so much to work with. Hopefully he will resurface before Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteEither way hopefully this train wreck called Katie King tryng to buy a judgeship with her daddy's money will be over.