For those of you following the stories of IPL abuse this is another good one. Code enforcement is finally getting called on the carpet by the mainstream media. Take a look at Dick Irby's recent investigation into JAVANON. Pop Up Video. What makes this story fascinating is it shows yet again how Code enforcement really either has no clue what is going on or simply does not care.
Ali Amadi, the self described grandfather of Javanon and top City engineer in Public Works, has skirted IPL rules to build a complex for his soccer club. This issue has been going on since 2005. In 2007 zoning finally approved the outside field portion of his plan and construction was to begin. An indoor facility was to be added later and not approved by Code enforcement. So what does Amadi do?
He began construction on the outdoor facility AFTER Code enforcement approved a revised plan.
The plan they THOUGHT they approved was for parking changes. The one they actually approved was allowing the indoor facility. How do you make a mistake like this? Amadi also said on air that they do not use the facility yet film clearly shows it is used regularly. A lie by a top city engineer who knows the rules.
According to the report Charles Cash says they have been trying to get Amadi back before Code enforcement since March and he has not shown up yet. As a top City engineer knowing the rules he essentially has blatantly ignored his responsibility. Would any of us be able to get away with ignoring a request to be back before BOZA for over 6 months? I would say NO.
Bill Schreck actually says Code enforcement was wrong. Thanks Bill. So what does Charlie Cash have to say about the mistake he made?
Cash thinks Public works should discipline Amadi for flaunting the law. Interesting Cash did not say what discipline he himself should have for not following procedure and allowing this to happen. Nor did he address why, since this has been an issue since 2005, he has not done his job and made sure his staff or himself knew what they were approving.
Public Works did not approve the plan BOZA and Charlie Cash did. Why pass the buck? Because that is what they do. Why has Schreck not disciplined Cash? Apparently there is even less oversight of Code enforcement than even I have exposed.
If this has been an issue for this long why did Schreck wait until the FOX41 story by Dick Irby to give the ultimatum that Amadi has until the end of the week to appear. This could have been done sooner but wasn't. Of course it wasn't known or reported on by the media until now either. Great coincidence huh?
Yes it does appear there has been special treatment in this case and only after being exposed by Dick Irby are they willing to say "we were wrong." I am curious if BOZA will now have a special meeting for this since they only meet on set days. Would this mean more special treatment? Will taxpayers have to pay for a special meeting because of political crony favoritism?
Of course that would further the speculation that Javanon has received special treatment wouldn't it?
Now perhaps we should investigate even further and see what controls Bill Schreck actually has over his own department, what Charles Cash primary role really is and what other favors may have been done by his office, and perhaps we should finally let this Mayor know we are sick of the game of cronyism.
It is time to end political appointments and cronyism in favor of getting people in place to actually do their job and at the very least know how to hold people accountable for doing their job.
There will certainly be more to come on this case and Code Enforcement.
By the way do not forget the John Flood plea hearing is set for November 25.
The Code Enforcement show has to go. Stay involved. Lets hold these political cronies accountable to a fair legal standard.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thank you for reading LNP. Open and honest discussions of local politics and relevant issues is important to voter understanding. Please listen to the "Ed Springston Show". We broadcast Monday through Thursday evenings at 7 PM on local media outlets. Please check for the links.
Yours truly,
Ed Springston
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The fact that Dirk Irby's wife is a good friend of Ali Amadi wife and Ali and his wife are going through a bitter divorce had nothing to do w/ Irby doing the story. And for the record, Amadi and/or public works have nothing to do w/ enforcing the regulations as you try to claim. But of course in a blog anyone can spout BS, and anyone that comments you will ignore and not let their comment be posted.
ReplyDeleteInteresting viewpoint and of course anonymous. I at least have no fear of using my real name but alas I digress.
ReplyDeleteIf you read the article closely I have said Code enforcement made the mistake. Charles Cash is the one asking for public works to take action against Amadi.
Personally, I do not see where Public Works should be able to do anything to him since he did nothing against his job in an official capacity but that is another story.
Amadi HAS and IS getting away with lying to Code enforcement since he obviously IS using the facility he says he isn't. He also has ignored requests to appear since March.
The special treatment part of the article refers to BOZA as written. It also refers to Charles Cash and BOZA dropping the ball in accountability in this issue though Amadi shares the burden of blame for not following through appropriately in this project when asked.
Quite honestly Amadi's personal problems with his dovrce really do not concern me and quite frankly I was unaware of it until you mentioned it. I would think he would probably like to keep that private life private but hey I wouldn't know.
Regardless the story is an accurate portrayal of tihs case backed with evidence and worthy of discussion on one more example of why BOZA and Code Enforcement cannot do their job.
For the record there is essentially one type post I will not make. ANy post that is personal against anyone or uses vulgar language generally will not be posted.
This isn't the CJ where personal attacks against readers are acceptable.
Thanks for writing.
IPL can be beat. We won today! All charges against us were dismissed. Perhaps the embarassment that it would be revealed that the IPL inspectors are so stupid that they couldn't tell a weed from the state flower led them to do it. If you are hassled by the IPL, I urge you to fight back.
ReplyDeleteIt was my wife that was charged by the IPL, and not me (our house is in both of our names). 80% (8 out of 10) of the people in court today because of the IPL were women. My wife thinks that they do this (targeting women) deliberately. Someone needs to investigate whether or not the IPL is being sexist.
The whole system needs an overhaul.
IPL does not target women, IPL targets Blacks.
ReplyDeleteGo do a Freedom of Information request and ask for citation penalties placed by Census Track or better yet Council District. Mary, Judy and Cheri's constituents are getting totally screwed. Do another request by Inspector and you will see who the hate-mongers are.
Walk into 444 S Fifth Street and notice all the low paid clerks are black and the higher paid jobs are reserved for whites only.
Schreck believes that he can finance his departments agenda through fines and as long as he does the blacks no one will challenge him.
Ed's articles have been great and I hope he keeps up the good work but he only has 10% of the IPL story. Dick Irby has been good also, let's see if he has the courage to follow through.