Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Katie King update

In answer to a ton of mail I am receiving on Katie King this update is necessary. For those asking I am still awaiting a reply from the Judicial Conduct Commission on my charges against Katie King. I will relay the response as soon as I get it. I apologize for not having more info available at this time but it is in their court so to speak for now.

In the meantime check out Jim King's letter to Greg Dearing President of the Louisville Federation of retired firefighters just prior to the election. You will like that and Mr. Dearing's response.

Happy reading.


  1. Wow! The firefighter guy can write a letter. CPA guy better back off...

  2. Nice job Ed!

    The C-J didn't even have the journalistic integrity to give you proper credit. Wolfson is a son-of-a-bitch! (pun intended)

  3. Thanks for the kudos. In this case I have to say in fairness though I am highly critical of the C-J, as most readers know, they did mention this blog as the source.

    They did not mention me by name but did use ntegrity in citing the source. This in itself is a huge step for the C-J and I can't really argue.

    The thing is this blog has never been about personal attention but rather letting people know what really goes on and getting them involve din our future. The fact that the C-J even put this story out with credit given at all is a step that hopefully is a sign of the C-J finally going in a new direction.

  4. I find a couple of things odd about this situation. First, Katie King should have addressed the LFRF, not Jim King. However, I didn't read any threats in Kings brief letter. Second, the LFRF leader was totally classless in his response and also for forwarding his letters to the media. Obviously, he faxed the letter the same day (see heading at the top of King's letter with date, time they send the fax out). To me, that shows they are bush league as well. I doubt I would be interested in their endorsement if running for anything including dog catcher. Jim King needs to let his daughter fight her own battles.

  5. That is one reason why these blogs (and similar sources) are great, it makes it impossible for the CJ to ignore these stories. They ignored the LMPD issue until it hit other media outlets, even though they were notified.


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Yours truly,
Ed Springston

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