There is much talk about the meeting between Abramson and Obama's aide on Thursday. Considering he was elected President, or oh great one for the Mayor's conference, he should have been there. I can think of a few better people to send but it was his duty. No beef here for his appearance. I do, as usual, have at least one beef about his requests though.
Or perhaps it is just an observation.
According to the C-J, Abramson meets with Obama aide on stimulus plan courier-journal The Courier-Journal, Abramson submitted a list of projects that cost roughly $607 million. Of course it is a wish list and he hopes some of that money comes to us. He has even been bragging about creating 17-18,000 jobs with this money. Of course these will be short term jobs that last about 18 months -2 years. But I digress.
Personally, I hope that if any of that money comes to Louisville we have someone outside the Abramson hand of power to oversee the use of it. As we all know Abramson's people have problems overseeing federal dollars. Kimberly Bunton anyone? In fact some of it doesn't get used at all.
Wonder where it goes. But again, I digress.
The biggest thing that stuck out to me based on his wish list was the request for Water and Sewer of $218 million.
Why did that stick out so bold to me you ask? MSD has had numerous meetings touting their responsibility based on their EPA consent decree for the need to get $800 million for sewers upgrades and other necessities to comply. Louisville News and Politics: EPA Consent decree: Bankruptcy near for Jefferson County If this is the case why only ask for $218 million?
According to the article this money, if we get it, will be spent on improvements to treatment facilities, pumping stations, water and sewer lines. Therein lies the rub. Someone needs to explain why MSD says they need $800 million for sewer lines etc to comply with the EPA and Abramson only asks for $218 million.
This is a staggering difference of approximately $582 million!
So what is the truth here?
Will it cost another $800 million to fix our sewage problems? Or will it cost $218 million. We deserve to know.
MSD used an astronomical rate increase of 32% last year to offset their costs, with little to show for it other than new carpet, and some other frivolous spending in their offices, and we can expect more increases for the foreseeable future according to the public meetings.
So let's look at facts here. Abramson says we need money for sewer improvements. Shardein says it will cost us $800 million. Abramson says we need $218 million.
Since Abramson appoints each and every board member to MSD he should certainly be informed of what the costs associated for improvements should be right? One more pot he has his hand in isn't it?
So who is telling the truth?
If Abramson did not ask for money to help with the EPA consent decree then why not? If this money is for that purpose then why is it $582 million LESS than Shardein says we need. Who is telling the truth?
Something doesn't smell right here once again in regards to MSD.
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