Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today's LEO examines the soon to be "new" Metro ethics ordinance. I highlight "new" because it appears, based on the article, there is in essence nothing "new" about it. Take a look yourself here: New metro ethics ordinance closer to passage - FatLip.

Oh sure they want to change the timeline to 60 days but so what? Will it matter when the "ethics" are ignored anyway?

Take this statement for example:

“I think it’s a very strong, transparent ordinance that will hold people accountable for their transactions and activities,” says Councilman Ken Fleming, R-7, the sponsor of the ordinance. “It goes along with the theme that this government should be more open to the taxpayers.”

Yeah right. Pure political posturing at it's finest. Two paragraphs later tells the tale.

Fleming says the revised ordinance would keep the commission at seven and allow the mayor to make all appointments, like now, but requires a super-majority vote of 18 council members for approval.

Another way for Abramson to control the outcome? Appoint whoever he wants and then use his rubber stamps to vote his way.

Transparent? Only in the sense that once again Abramson has the power and that is as transparent as everything else in Metro.

Interestingly enough here is Bob Henderson's concern.

Councilman Bob Henderson, D-14, questioned if legislative aides should be included for ethics violations for small transactions they're allowed to make daily in the name of their bosses. Henderson said the wording leaves council members open to false accusations of political patronage from opponents.

Of course he is worried about his Legislative aide Larry Mattingly since both had to testify in federal court over a whistle blower case Sarah Lynn Cunningham brought forth in regard to MSD. There are many allegations and rumors in regards to Larry Mattingly and Bob Henderson. Political patronage? He should be concerned.

For more background on this check tis out from LEO: Dirty deeds? LEO Weekly

Henderson testified in Federal Court that he improperly used MSD dirt for his political friends and notably his own yard. Not a big deal? Perhaps not except that Sarah Lynn Cunningham, the whistle blower, lost her job because she brought it up under the whistle blower laws in existence.

She won her case. Now MSD has it tied up in appeals to delay justice even longer.

Ethics in government is one area we cannot allow to be put to the wayside. When we elect someone we expect them to be ethical in their dealings on our behalf. Why is this an issue now? Simple we are finally waking up to the fact that we have not been dealt with honestly, or ethically in many of our minds, by this administration and some Council members. As a matter of fact check out Jake at with this: Oh, Look! Kentucky is 3rd Most Corrupt State

Our current incumbent in District 14, Bob Henderson, recently had an ethics complaint thrown out by his buddy District 12 Councilman Rick Blackwell. The reason cited? Lack of evidence. Now I am no lawyer, nor have I ever professed to be one, but I would ask what is considered evidence in any case. I would think federal testimony would at least be enough evidence to investigate before any ruling. Just shows the Abramson rubberstamp's taking care of things again.

And it only took almost 3 years to decide to throw it out.

As a matter of public record how can this be ignored? Accountability is severely lacking and this is yet one more example of it.

Mr. Henderson has always sided with MSD in issues including the 32% rate hike we all now have so it was no surprise that he would be involved in this whole sham.

A "new" Metro Ethics ordinance? Far from it.

Here is an idea.

Stay true to ethics in the first place then we have no problems do we?

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