Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Kaven Rumpel will be formally announcing his candidacy for Louisville Metro Council District 19 that is being vacated because of Hal Heiner's run for Louisville Metro Mayor. Please join labor, business leaders, elected officials, civic leaders and neighbors as they support this retired LMPD detective, and small business owner, as he makes his bid to represent all in bettering the 19th District.
Kaven Rumpel for Metro Council District 19
September 30, 2009 (Wed)
Lodge at Lake Forest
511 Woodlake Drive
Louisville, KY 40245
Seems straightforward enough doesn't it? But alas the plot thickens as usual.
J.T. "Jerry" Miller who took over the GOP Chairmanship in Jefferson County replacing Brad Cummings will not be in attendance. Attendance is usually customary when candidates of the party announce but in this case it seems there is a problem.
Jerry Miller took the open GOP vacancy apparently knowing he was going to run for the District 19 Metro Council seat himself.
So what is the problem?
Simply this. Why would he take that seat when he knowingly was going to run for office himself in just a couple of months?
There is no logical answer in my opinion.
The GOP Chair essentially has two jobs. One to recruit candidates to run for office and the second to promote those candidates. To knowingly take that position when you plan on announcing in January your intent to run AGAINST a candidate you should be promoting clearly creates a major conflict.
Like him, love him, or hate him Brad Cummings was doing a good job of unifying the party while he was the Chair and now it would appear that the fragile unification in place is now going to be left to the wayside in favor of a divided party and divided loyalties once again.
Do we not wonder why the Democrats have such a stranglehold over us? There is essentially no opposing party to hold them accountable with this kind of leadership.
In the case of Mr. Miller with the seemingly obvious intentions to divide the party what exactly is gained by taking this route?
I have no idea. One rumor flying around is that Louisville Metro Mayor Hal Heiner is supporting Jerry Miller as his "handpicked" successor for the seat.
I spoke with Hal at length about these charges and he assures me that he is focused 100% on the Mayor's race and the issues involved in that race opting to stay out of the primary for that District. Which is as it should be and thanks to Hal for being upfront about this.
Which leads me to this.
We the voter have an obligation to see where our candidates stand on issues and if they are worthy and deserving of our vote. Period. To assume one is a "handpicked" successor is to assume we do not have any power to stop it.
The power of the vote is ours alone. Anyone who feels they are entitled to any job as a handpicked successor should be the first ones we do not elect.
If Jerry Miller is planning on fulfilling his own words of quitting the Chair in January to run as a candidate himself then he must resign the Chairmanship now. It is an issue of integrity. He cannot fulfill his obligations as Chairman of the Jefferson County GOP honestly and ethically if his intentions are to run against someone for office himself in the immediate future.
The apparent conflicts are transparent.
Just saying............
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Interesting show enjoy!
You see I am a father and I would do anything for my kids that they needed. But I would do it legally and ethically. As a parent I believe we are responsible to lead by example with our children. But you see there is another problem here as well.
When does one become an adult and responsible for their actions whether legal or illegal.
In short, when does a parent stop getting to use the parent/child, or do it for the kids, argument for a scapegoat. The law says at 18 we are legal adults and legally responsible for our actions.
In this case considering a Judgeship was the goal wouldn't it be obvious that Katie King should be adult enough to stand on her own two feet? Or that Jim King cannot get by with the sympathy play of the poor dad helping his poor daughter?
My kids are now 25 and 22. They know better and they saw right through this immediately. As adults they expect to be punished if they commit a criminal act. Not hide behind me for cover. That is maturity and personal responsibility.
If we allow this kind of feeble attempt to cloud the judgement of this case then what does that say about the maturity level of a now sitting Judge that has now been found to use illegal means in trying to obtain that job? And she sits in judgment of others? What does that say?
Jim King says Katie asked him if it was legal.
Why would an attorney seeking a Judgeship ask a CPA for legal advice?
The law was clearly broken. Even I agree with the KREF findings in that regard. I do not agree that it was unknowingly when the evidence clearly states otherwise.
To date the King's have been using an email from July and focusing on one single sentence from that email that states the registry does not regulate the private finances of a candidate and conveniently ignoring the advice from Jan Hines and the link to the law that was given in the response.
Of course the Registry does not regulate the private finances. That is a no brainer.
However, the registry clearly does exclude family members from gifting unlimited amounts of cash to an announced family member who is running for office. This is a well known fact by Sheryl Snyder and Amy Cubbage of Frost, Brown, and Todd. And therein starts the major problems in this case.
You see it was not until Thursday afternoon that another email was faxed to me by the KREF themselves( one day prior to the hearing).
In June (one month prior to the King email they have used) Sarah Jackson at the KREF had sent an email to King attorney Amy Cubbage telling her that the King's could not do what they did as they were limited to the same $1000 contribution as anyone else.
Amy Cubbage had called the registry seeking the same advice that Jim King sought one month later. Sarah Jackson responded in the email assumedly so she would have some sort of written record of the phone call.
This is very important as Ms. Cubbage, and Mr. Snyder, both of Frost, Brown, and Todd had worked to get HB 750 passed in 2000.
HB 750 would have allowed unlimited cash gifts from family members but the General Assembly threw it out and never passed it into law. This essentially means that cash gifts from family members exceeding the $1000 contribution limits are not allowed as the Registry has clearly stated to the King's. A position the registry has always maintained.
In May 2008 the week prior to the primary election King "gifted" his daughter $10,000 that he says was customary of his normal gifting practices each year to her as part of estate planning. The problem is he never sent, nor in his defense was he ever asked to send, evidence of this practice.
The KREF took him at his sworn under oath word. Considering the serious allegations brought forth in this matter of campaign finance impropriety it would seem evidence should have at least been requested but was not.
This was prior to the July email that King later sent telling him family could only contribute what anyone else could. Of course we now know his lawyers had asked about the same thing in June 2008 and were given the same answer.
For their Response to the Complaint, Jim King stated as follows (sworn under oath of penalty of perjury):
Mr. King inquired of the Registry staff on July 18, 2008 whether he could make an unconditional gift of cash in excess of $1,000 to his daughter knowing that the daughter might then contribute the money to her own campaign. On July 21, 2008, the Registry staff replied to Mr. King's inquiry: ''The Registry does not regulate the private finances of a candidate.?" Based upon that advice from.the Registry staff, Mr.King's privately retained legal counsel advised Mr. King that he could, if he so chose, make a personal gift to Judge King that Judge King might then contribute to her campaign.
Of course we now know that Amy Cubbage of Frost, Brown, and Todd had requested guidance one month earlier. So what does this say about the defense attorney's? They knowingly left out the fact that they themselves had contacted the registry prior to the July email they now use as evidence?
My response was this:
At the time of.Mr. King's alleged July 18th_21st email exchange with the Registry, Respondents' campaign had already retained the services of attorney Amy D. Cubbage. Mr. King was uniquely positioned to know his rights, Ms. Cubbage's expertise in campaign finance and government relations belying the notion that Respondents were uninformed about the law at that time.
In fact, at no time from January 2008 to November 2008 did Respondents, by themselves, or through counsel request an advisory opinion from the Registry, nor does their Response indicate that Ms. Cubbage ever communicated with the Registry on this matter.
I was wrong in this as the email from June given to me Thursday afternoon now shows. But this raises serious charges now since the attorney for King at the time, Amy Cubbage of Frost, Brown, and Todd HAD contacted the registry prior to July.
Then King responded with this:
Mr. King then shared this exchange of e-mails with his private retained counsel, and she advised Mr. King that he could, if he so chose, make a personal gift to Judge King that Judge King might then contribute to her campaign,.....
The problem here is a simple one. According to a WLKY news report last night by Andy Aalcock, Shery Snyder, when asked if his office gave King permission to do this he responded "no of course not."
And now we have a serious issue even above and beyond the registry. Did Sheryl Snyder or Amy Cubbage tell King he could do this as King has sworn under oath they did? If so considering their involvement with HB 750 in 2000 they have facilitated a criminal act and therefore can be disbarred. If not, then King lied under oath under penalty of perjury and can be prosecuted for it.
The difference in law of knowing or unknowing in this case is substantial. If the KREF ruling holds up, and AG Conway does not do his job in appointing a special prosecutor, the Kings can be fined up to $65,000 only with no admission of guilt.
Seems like a lot of money to most of us but little to King himself.
Remember fines or other repercussions are by design to be used as punishment to deter someone from committing a crime again. Is a fine in this case ample punishment for knowingly breaking the law? If the King's were to be prosecuted then all counts would be felonies and punishable by forfeiture of office for himself and his daughter and possible prison time.
As is clearly the case by the registry's ruling most certainly everyone involved in the decision making part of this process is opting for a slap on the wrist and not a felony.
Sheryl Snyder's arguments included alluding to Bruce Lunsford's failed campaigns where he loaned himself $7 million. He stated that this case is no different than Lunsford gifting money to himself.
There is one huge difference.
The law does not regulate the private finances of a candidate and Mr. Lunsford gave himself his own money. He did not get it from his dad or other family members. The law has never kept a candidate from giving themselves money nor should it.
The other argument was it would be no different than if Jim King gave Katie this money 4 years ago from a trust fund and assumedly she kept it until now to spend on her campaign. Of course it does.
Giving money to her when not in an election is no one's business. Giving money to her knowing she will use it for election purposes, AFTER announcing yourself as a candidate, is illegal as the Registry clearly decided.
Based on the evidence even the registry stated in their summary report that it clearly defies logic that a seasoned veteran politician like King, or his counsel, did not know. Yet they made it an unknowing violation. This is so contradictory I cannot see how any eighth grader could not prosecute this mess and win.
So now we have seemingly possible bar violations by Frost, Brown, and Todd legal staff Sheryl Snyder and/or Amy Cubbage, as well as possible perjury by Jim King himself based on the new email, sworn statements, and public record by Mr. Snyder.
Funnily enough Katie King herself has never been on the record in any way, shape, or form as even the registry themselves point out that she is clearly responsible for this as well.
I promised at the beginning of this that I would stay with this until the end. I had hoped this hearing would clarify this and end this. really I do have other things to do. the problem is we now have even more questions and serious issues to be addressed and answered than we did when this started.
It is because of my promise that I have to say the case goes on..........
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The fact is I laid out this plan for him long ago most recently a month ago:
Louisville News and Politics: AND THE BEAT OF THE KING GOES ON....... Hell I gave him the advice for free. I should have charged for it since it is now his mantra.
The fact is that Jim King could have played the daddy card long ago and instead chose not to. Only now after the media has finally jumped on board this train wreck, special kudos to Andy Aalcock at WLKY for having the guts to tackle this first, does Jim King decide he must "be a man" and play for sympathy.
At this point why bother?
The KREF is intent on doing nothing, and actually based on the Steve Henry case laid out by Jake Payne over at www.pageonekentucky.com, who believes anything will happen? The players are all political and many have professional relationships with each other so why would we expect justice.
Attorney General Jack Conway's own brother Matt Conway publicly stated he resigned as Katie King's campaign treasurer because he had ethical concerns. Joe Terry in December stated this whole thing would look fishy if the cash was given after Katie was a candidate and went on King's payroll immediately after the charges were filed to defend King clearly against his public statements.
Of course Jack Conway has decided not to get involved instead waiting for the suspect KREF to rule first. Based on precedent and public findings why would anyone wait on the KREF? Especially when the charges may include your own brother?
Seems like Conway has his priorities and they are to try to stay elected not do his job. But at the expense of your own brother? Throwing your own brother under the bus by leaving him hanging? Hell I would investigate anything and everything if my family was involved. Especially when running for office. In my world leaving your own brother out to dry is about as bad as it gets. But hey these are my opinions.
Of course Joe Terry is ex chairman of the KREF. Coincidence in trying to garner favorable opinions perhaps?
You be the judge I have enough on my plate right now.
Let's look at Sheryl Snyder.
A supposed "crackerjack" attorney who is an expert in campaign election law yet did not know he needed a legal advisory opinion before telling Jim King it was OK to give Katie over a hundred thousand dollars as a "gift" fully knowing that he argued to allow the exception of cash gifts from family members be allowed in 2000 as part of HB 750, a bill that was thrown out and not made into law. Now today he wants to perpetrate the obscene suggestion that cash gifts from family members are legal or should be?
What a farce. Of course Sheryl Snyder has argued cases on behalf of the KREF and with at least one of the board members who will decide this case. Another coincidence?
Spare me.
Let's not forget that Amy Cubbage represented King before Snyder did. If Amy Cubbage and/or Sheryl Snyder gave Jim King the go ahead to infuse cash to his daughter's campaign, clearly knowing the law was never changed to allow it, then they should be guilty of malpractice and essentially aiding and abetting criminal behavior.
Of course now the argument is switched to the First Amendment rights of the King's having been violated. I guess Snyder has to go that route since he has obvious concerns fighting the merits.
Additionally, everyone knows about the $10,000 "gift" to Katie made by Jim King in May, 2 months prior to the email he says justified his actions, and no action was taken on that issue either. Now the argument is that King customarily gives Katie that money each year as a gift.
Fair enough yet there are some questions.
One there has been no documentation proving this was a reasonable and customary transaction just the word of Jim King. Though he probably does gift this amount each year it still requires evidence especially considering he is the one the charges of impropriety are against.
Two the gift is allowable, and no arguments here, during the calendar year so why not wait until after the election say until December to gift this money and avoid this type of charge of impropriety?
Because the money was knowingly going into the campaign account again clearly violating the $1000 limit by ANY person who contributes.
On top of all that he waits until AFTER Matt Conway resigns before giving this cash infusion to Katie? Hell according to him he had every legal right as of July 16, 2008 so why wait until Matt is gone and King is named treasurer? Because he had to get her the money before the election and lost his cover. Then after the money was given and knowingly violating campaign finance law, while he was treasurer, he resigns stating it could be perceived as a conflict of interest being her treasurer.
And we are to believe he committed this unintentionally against all the evidence that screams otherwise?
The KREF findings state very clearly that Jim King was intentionally looking for a way to circumvent the campaign limits on page 12. They clearly state that it is beyond belief that King or Snyder, as seasoned politicos, would make their determination based on one line in an ongoing email exchange.
Of course that email clearly shows King was trying to find a way to give more money.
Then they concluded that this was not a "knowing" violation.
It defies logic or belief that King did not know it was a violation. It clearly defies logic and belief that Katie King is a sitting Judge that judges others while gaining that office through illegal means. It defies logic and belief that Jim King is still on the Metro Council and wants to be Mayor.
We will know more on Friday but I will tell you this. The KREF is intent on a small fine and a slap on the wrist but there is much more to come legally if they go that route.
Stay tuned.............
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Check it out you will not be disappointed.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The KREF stated that "Mr. King's e-mail exchange indicates that he was seeking a way to infuse money into his daughter's campaign knowing that he could not directly contribute funds."
This is a very telling statement as at the end of its conclusions the KREF states that they do not believe he knowingly committed violations even after admonishing him (and his counsel) for trying to use only the first sentence in the email exchange to justify their actions.
The opinion actually contradicts itself when clearly showing obvious intent then saying it was not knowingly in violation.
It gets no simpler.
Sadly, we now have a sitting Judge in Katie King who got that office illegally and is judging others for illegal acts. Something isn't right about that is it?
In the meantime I have asked for a continuance or for the KREF to withdraw in favor of a special prosecutor by the Attorney General Jack Conway being assigned.
Simple really. The County Attorney's office, led by Mike O'Connell, has requested a special prosecutor in this case from the AG. The County Attorney cannot prosecute due to a conflict of interest. They really do have one since they are tasked with representing any Metro Council member in a lawsuit. The fact that they recognized this and followed procedure regardless of politics is a breath of fresh air.
The correct procedure at that point is to ask for and get a special prosecutor assigned to the case through the AG's office.
The County Attorney's has done their job and I thank them for that. Meanwhile the Commonwealth Attorney's office on the other hand failed miserably in their job choosing instead to ignore their job in favor of politics. In my opinion anyway.
Sad but Commonwealth Attorney Dave Stengel's office refused to follow through with this and when asked why I was told I wasn't a law enforcement agency. When asked which one they would prefer I go to I was told they "do not give out free legal advice."
What a copout.
This knowing full well that that is why Stengel's office has INVESTIGATORS assigned and paid for. Of course being close friends with Jim King sure made it easy for Stengel.
One other reason I asked for a continuance.
While I have taken many hits throughout this whole ordeal, and frankly attacked by those supporting King who did not do the research or check information, the fact is that I do not believe the King's should be punished twice for the same crime.
In short, the KREF can fine the King's and that is pretty much it based on their statements. The AG's office can prosecute and gain a criminal conviction. It would be unfair to allow both at the same time.
It is for this reason I decided to ask for a continuance so the AG can do their job and prosecute. In the event they do not then the KREF can get involved. To do both is unfair.
I always strive to do what is right and fair....
Monday, September 14, 2009
KAVEN RUMPEL TO RUN FOR DISTRICT 19: Former policeman and local businessman Kaven Rumpel has issued a press release stating he will run for Hal's District 19 Council seat. He is the first Republican to enter the race. In fact he is the first person announced to enter the race.
STEVE NUNN IT JUST KEEPS GETTING UGLIER: Finally, check out www.pageonekentucky.com for the ongoing Steve Nunn situation. Jake has great coverage on this issue. It was just announced on the 10 pm FOX41 newscast that Steve Nunn has been charged with murder in the death of his former fiance Amy Ross. Apparently the first order of business when Nunn got to jail was to request to be put in with the general population.
Why? So he could watch Monday Night Football. How much sadder and pathetic can it get?
My condolences and prayers go out to the Ross family who have endured so much.
The other Republican in the primary as announced so far, (Attorney Jim Ellis is expected to make an announcement soon as well), is local businessman Chris Thieneman as covered on this website.
Hal and Chris have both promised to stick with the issues and forego the normal mudslinging that so often occurs and discounts each of us in every election. I have already stated that I believe both will set a new standard of accountability in our candidates and I still believe that.
Hal will be the guest on the MyViewMatters radio show this Thursday at 7 pm on WKJK 1080 AM with yours truly. Make plans to listen in and see where Hal stands on the issues.
In the meantime Republican Kaven Rumpel has already announced he will step in and run for Hal's Metro Council seat when Hal makes his official announcement tomorrow.
This makes Rumpel the first official Republican candidate for Hal's Metro Council seat in a District that typically votes Republican.
Rumors of Jerry Miller stepping up and running should be squelched by now as Miller accepted the local GOP Chair seat vacated by Brad Cummings. Miller cannot do both without serious conflict of interest and assumedly he thought about that before he took the Chair.
Stay tuned folks this is going to be good...........
Friday, September 11, 2009
Conway's office makes threats: I checked out the latest over at pageonekentucky and came across this link. Read it. Conway's office really does have problems. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Salem-News.Com. You can read more about Conway here Louisville News and Politics: JACK CONWAY: YES I AM PART OF THE MACHINE SO WHAT?
Councilman Hal Heiner is in: According to multiple inside sources yes indeed Councilman Hal Heiner is definite and will make his announcement to run for Mayor on Tuesday. Should be a great Republican primary as Hal Heiner and Chris Thieneman have both said issues would be relevant not mudslinging.
Councilman Heiner will be the guest next Thursday, September 17 on the MyViewMatters Radio Show at 7 pm on WKJK 1080- AM. Listen in it should be a great show.
Oh yeah Jim Ellis is expected to say he is in too.
SAY WHAT: By now everyone knows about Larry Clark using lies and deception, as he commonly does, and then demanding an endorsement from the Teamsters to make him feel better from his own lies. What an idiot. Read more here Louisville News and Politics: LARRY CLARK VS THE TEAMSTERS: IS CLARK THAT STUPID?
Abramson spins it again: WHAS 11 had Jerry Abramson on yesterday and of course he essentially blamed the Metro Council for the fiasco's with Cordish etc because they approved the funding. Saying how we needed the "strong arm" Mayoral government set up and then blaming the Council for the mess he created.
Blaming the Council was just yet another sign of the problems this Mayor has created. Psst Jerry perhaps there should have been communication? Check out the WHAS video here WHAS11 Video - Video On Demand WHAS11.com News for Louisville, Kentucky
State House: Rumor has it that State Rep Charlie Miller will have competition in his race. Seems like everyone is upset at the prospect of this guy running unopposed. Me included. Stay tuned for more in the next couple of weeks....
Day of Remembrance: Today is September 11 and will always remain in our memories as the day America came under attack. It will go down in history as the worst attack ever on American soil and should be a reminder of just how precious our freedoms we take for granted everyday really are.
The thousands of lives lost, our American way of life threatened, and in many ways changed forever by outside foes. The lives of our brave women and men in the military sacrificed then and now to preserve our freedom. We came to realize that day that yes indeed we in America are vulnerable to the same insanity by terrorists that threaten and destroy the way of lives for so many around the world.
The one thing positive, if there is one, that came from this unprecedented attack was that we remembered right after 9/11 that the American people will always rise and stand together against a common enemy. Our neighbors we knew not prior to this tragedy then became our friends. We reached out to one another like we have not done in years either for comfort, support, or just because we now realized this fragile thing called life we have been given can be taken away without warning.
I say this to each of you.
Never forget.
Never forget that feeling you had when you witnessed the attack.
Never forget the way you reached out to those around you and did not see a stranger but saw someone in need opting instead to call them friend and offering to help in any way possible.
Never forget those before us, and since, who gave their lives and give their lives freely to protect the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today. Though our differences may be many our way of life is the same.
Never forget to thank a soldier and pray for their safety while they are protecting you and your family. Most of us are strangers to them but they sacrifice themselves willingly without the griping, moaning, or groaning so prevalent in so many trivial things around us. They do it so we don't have to.
Finally, never forget that this great land called America is the greatest place on the planet earth.
Though our differences sometimes seem to be overwhelm us they are what makes us great. Working through them is the lost art that we must learn to get back to.
Our forefathers knew that and today in remembrance of the tragic event that made us realize we are vulnerable I ask that each of you remember to put your differences aside and reach out to one another once again.
For each man and woman in the military my sincerest thanks and prayers go out to you all. As a Vet myself I feel your pain and know the sacrifices you endure. For your families my prayers go to them as well. Their sacrifices mirror yours.
God Bless each and every one of you and God Bless America.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
We all have heard the 2 minute commercials or Crimestoppers on WHAS radio w/ Terry Meiner's but many have never known what Crimestopper's is really about or funded.
Check out their website at http://www.582clue.com/ or get involved and call them with tips at 582-CLUE.
Listen in and get the answers. Thanks to David Yates and Kelly Fentress for being on the show and explaining it all.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Jack Conway, as expected, sided with Abramson in his recent "opinion" concerning the Cordish Co expenditures and he also decided to go ahead and deal with the rent from slugger field funding the Downtown Development Corp (DDC). As reported back in December, http://springston.blogspot.com/2008/12/abramson-and-ddc-look-at-machine.html, there are links to other articles contained in this one.
I requested an opinion from the AG on the legality of taking rent derived from Slugger Field and sending it to the DDC. Of course I was ignored yet a couple of days later the Metro Council requested the same thing. Here is a a copy of the opinion courtesy of pageonekentucky.com
We waited for essentially nine months for the AG to make a decision. We also knew then what the decision would be.
Jerry is right everyone else is wrong. Thanks for all the support to my campaigns Mr. Mayor.
The decisions were so easy to forecast that it seems the AG's office spent most of that nine months trying to draft a letter of excuses why.
It is easy for Conway to send out press releases acting like he is going after prescription drug abuse like it is a new fresh idea by him. has he ever heard of Kasper? That is where that discussion started about 10 years ago though it was left to the wayside as well never fulfilling the promise we hoped it would be.
They needed the extra time to figure out how to help Abramson get by with it. You know the machine must prevail at all costs regardless of we the people right? Especially when Conway wants the support for his Senate run and has to back Abramson for Lt Gov to get it.
AG Conway has proven to be just another political hack who refuses to do the right thing or do the will of the people. He has proven he will not take on the difficult tasks of his office by standing against corruption and investigating real crime choosing instead to make it a political office for his gain. Greg Stumbo anyone? In my opinion anyway. I voted for him because I thought he had integrity. Yep I was fooled but never again by him.
Check out this video: YouTube - Jack Conway Democratic Primary Candidate For US Senate In Kentucky, A James Pence Video
Conway talks about conscience in politics, he talks about how the tired old game is over. Sadly, great rhetoric but rhetoric he is part of not against. In the video he speaks of Crit LuAllen like he has the integrity she does. Jack you do not even come close.
Why would anyone be surprised by this so called opinion?
The Democratic machine has ruled this Commonwealth and City for so many years they all think they are above us in governing. The fiasco with Jim King, David Tandy, and the entire Metro Council who has stood beside Abramson through thick and thin thinking that as long as they did so they would be rewarded is the same mentality that has run Kentucky into the ground.
Kudos to Kelly Downard and Hal Heiner for asking the questions but where has the Council been in making or forcing the necessary changes to fix this? A Democrat majority has followed Abramson blindly for their gain not ours.
Jack Conway is part of that group. He has refused in my opinion to do anything that would anger the power elite of the party by actually doing his job. He will not aggressively pursue any investigations into the party powers that be for fear of himself losing out.
That is unacceptable at any level.
Watch over the next few months and see how quick some Metro Council members "see the light" and start acting like they are really concerned with our problems and our government. Think we have seen rats deserting the ship so far? We have not seen nothing yet folks.
Kudos to Jake Payne, who I disagree with on many issues and have went back and forth on many things like Jim King and David Tandy, for calling Conway out on several occasions thus proving I guess that even I can make a mistake in judgement. I respect Jake for his work though I do not always agree with him.
But I can admit mistakes and I can accept responsibility for them. Conway needs to wake up and realize that the days of the good ole boy system are closing faster than he can blink and he better get off the bandwagon and start earning his keep.
I have been told Jack is receiving paperwork this week in regards to yet another investigation he is going to be tasked with following through on. It is one he will not like and I already know what will be done.
Absolutely nothing. More on that later.
AG Conway I have this advice for you. Either be the real leader we elected or get the hell out of the way.
When you are basically the top cop in the State and refuse to do your job because of politics then you are worthless to us. You send the message loud and clear that Justice can be bought by who you know. That undermines the purpose of law does it not?
We the People are fed up and are taking notice, as well as, giving notice that we will no longer be forgotten.
Take a look around you. You want to be a Senator then straighten up. You have opponents in this race that are taking notice. Check out Rand Paul or Trey Grayson. Hell even Mongiardo, who I think is a whack job in his own right, comes off as having more integrity right now than you do.
The days of doing as you are told by the machine elite are over.
It is time you start doing the job we the people tell you to do.
You know the one you were elected to do.
Look in the mirror and take notice. Are you proud of yourself and the job you are doing?
If so it is time to get you out of office. If not then change the way you do business and do it right.
After all you want our vote? Then earn it.
Just saying.........
Of course the Teamster's and most unions typically back the Democratic candidate but hey do not let that influence Clark who would rather whine and manipulate events for himself. The poor Larry Clark "they are out to get me defense." Pathetic as usual from this moron.
Let's look at the facts in the case.
Brian Simpson IS a Teamster who works at UPS. He did what all candidates do and contacted the unions, including the Teamster's, to let them know he is in the race and is seeking their endorsement. Assumedly because Brian Simpson works for UPS and is a teamster member Clark feels he can try to denigrate the union and Simpson by claiming some nonexistent deal was in place.
That is typical of Larry Clark. He does what he wants, when he wants, regardless of his constituents or what is best for the Commonwealth, and then cries foul when he is outed.
Check this letter out. My apologies in advance for adding it in a "movie" format. I am having trouble loading pdf on the site today but felt this needed to be seen instead of waiting.
Interesting how Larry Clark has continued to let labor down at every turn, voted for tax hikes, stood AGAINST Charitable Gaming, and believes the world is out to get him.
Larry the world should be out to get you. When you do idiotic stuff like this for your own gain and power trip guess what? There are repercussions. Hats off to Teamster President Fred Zuckerman for allowing us a glimpse of what idiots like Clark normally do. You only do what is best for Larry and you were elected to do what is best for us. If you are part of the problem then you are not part of the solution.
Larry Clark is a big part of the problem. Always has been. Always will be.
Pay attention to the last sentence of the first paragraph where Larry demands a letter of endorsement to "fix" this situation. A situation created in his mind as usual. What needs to be fixed?
Larry Clark needs to be fixed. Larry created this nightmare intentionally and now thinks he can use it to gain a forced endorsement. Who the hell is he to try and force an endorsement by spreading lies and manipulation. Endorsements are, in most cases, earned. Clark runs around spreading lies about a union he wants an endorsement from then has the audacity to try to demand one to fix the problem? What did he think was going to happen? So much for Clark taking responsibility.
Blaming others for his faults as usual.
Rumors have abounded for a long time now essentially challenging Larry Clark's mental state. I am no Doctor but based on the evidence one does have to wonder what the hell he is thinking most of the time.
Bottom line Clark needs to go. He is representative of all that is wrong with Kentucky politics and why we cannot get ahead.
Brian Simpson is a down to earth hard working blue collar union man. Is he the one to begin the process of ridding ourselves of the stranglehold the power hungry ego driven idiots like Clark have that are destroying Kentucky?
One can only hope......
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009
Many of you may recall Chris led the fight against the library tax an issue that was won. He also forced the administration to reopen the Southfields police training facility for bids that netted the City a couple hundred thousand more dollars.
No stranger to fighting this strong arm form of Metro Government Chris is making this a part of his platform.
Here is the official release:
This serves as an official press release on behalf of Chris Thieneman who will announce his intent to run for Louisville Metro Mayor 2010.
TIME: 5:30 PM
PLACE: ERNESTO'S on DIXIE HWY. (behind the Captain D's in Valley Station)
CONTACT INFO: Ed Springston (502)417-5383 or email at myviewmatters@aol.com
Ed Springston
Make plans to attend if possible.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Check it out you will not be disappointed!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The more people the more our voices get heard. Thank Chris for standing up for us all in this regard.
MAYOR'S RACE: The Mayor's race is about to get under way with no Republican candidate announced yet. Or is there?
According to inside sources Councilman Hal Heiner will be making his announcement on September 15. Why so late? Rumor has it he, along with a couple others to be named later, were waiting for Pence to say no as most have assumed he would for some time. Though not official yet Pence has been leaning against a run and tis is a credible rumor at this time.
And oh yeah King is still under the gun in a variety of investigations dealing with his personal financing of Katie's Judge campaign. And let's not forget David Tandy who, well, what really needs to be said after the whole Cordish debacle and his babysitters being paid by our taxes.
METRO COUNCIL: When Hal makes his announcement for his Mayoral bid there are at least 2 people waiting in the wings. Jerry Miller and Kaven Rumpol.
Many of you know of Kaven through his work on behalf of charitable gaming and being a local small businessman. Kaven is also Vice President of the Small Business Alliance, Vice Chairman for Kosair communications, and an active donor and participant in the D.A.D.S. organization that works with Down Syndrome kids, a worthy event I am proud to know of, and be involved in myself. Kaven is a friend and my personal favorite in this race admittedly.
It will be an interesting year to say the least.
FINALLY: Rumor has it John Flood is now working in the Solid Waste department for Metro. You may recall Flood, a convicted felon, and husband of Metro Councilmember MaDonna Flood, reached a plea deal against the wishes of many in the community that in essence allowed him to retire rather than face charges against him for perjury.
Well apparently he did not retire and continued in his role at IPL until they finally had to reassign him because of backlash from their own people. If so the guy never went without a paycheck and once again politics circumvented law and accountability. And we wonder why I am so hell bent and determined to make folks like King and Tandy accountable?
I am working on verification now so anyone with information please write me or call me at 742-8519. We must stand up against the abuse of our public trust in our elected officials.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
He says we have a prescription drug abuse problem in Kentucky and of course he is leading the way to stopping it. Um Mr. Conway sir? This is a no brainer and quite frankly has been a problem for a number of years.
While agreeing it is a problem it certainly deserves more than a band aid fix and being an election year issue. We must get our State legislators to fund a serious initiative, including a serious task force made up of more than a handful of people.
Perhaps we could quit spending so much on so called "drug wars" and start actually running one.
For example prescription drug abuse far outweighs any marijuana drug abuse with far worse and farther reaching repercussions. We have the people in place to help us fight against it. We need to utilize them more effectively and guide them to the real problems. Not the ones we want to make one.
In fact you should also push for a mandatory drug testing program for all Government employees including elected members.
Private business does it and many of your buddies would have problems passing. Whether you would be surprised or shocked by that I would not know. But somehow, according to some sources, I believe you know some of your buddies and people close to you that abuse drugs. Heck most of us know someone who is or has been affected by this.
Jack admits this problem has affected his own family and I give him kudos for that as no one family is immune from this problem no matter how powerful they think they are. I hope that Mr. Conway addresses the other rumored drug problems in his family as well but I digress.
For years I have been promoting an online program linked to each and every pharmacy throughout Kentucky, and linked to all Doctors doing business in Kentucky, that would immediately red flag and STOP any prescription from being filled that would show up as being filled too early or multiple types of the same drug to the same person. Anyone doctor hopping would show up. Anyone getting multiple prescriptions would show up.
This from the AG does partially address some of what I have been promoting for many years including the Mayoral campaign of 2006:
On August 20, I was pleased to announce the creation of Kentucky’s first statewide prescription drug abuse task force. A $50,000 grant from the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) will serve as seed money to intensify our investigations statewide into doctor shopping, drug trafficking, overprescribing physicians and illegal out-of-state pharmacies.
The problem is this is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Unless we get serious about funding this we will continue to do what we always do. Throw good money after bad and nothing real gets accomplished. I will not even go into NADDI at this time.
Of course this does not address the issue of our illegal prescription drugs running rampant throughout our schools with our kids.
Most middle schoolers and practically ALL high school students know who they can go to and get just about anything they want. Zanax, lortabs, Valium, Ritalin, you name it someone has it. In fact one little known thing about the Ritalin patches is how they are illegally used. They can be frozen and the med scraped off and snorted.
Instant speed rush. Sadly just about anyone can get Ritalin or other ADD drugs easily today.
Some of our middle school kids are very adept at knowing just what to say to their folks and their Doctor to get what they want. Our kids are teaching our kids how to get and abuse prescription drugs. Our kids in many instances are better educators than we are. At least when it comes to the bad stuff. If our kids are being educated this early then we must begin educating them even earlier. Unless we stop tihs at the start we can never get ahead of the abuse and stop it altogether. Or at least slow it down.
This is a problem that will not go away unless we get aggressive about prevention as well and therein lies the problem.
The Doctor's are scared of malpractice suits and most family Docs simply treat the symptoms with input from the parents or the kid on what is wrong with them. Testing is becoming a thing of the past because insurers are denying more and more tests to save money. Going to a specialist requires another co pay and many cannot afford that either. Most Docs understand this and are trying to help the parent in some cases by prescribing a drug like Ritalin based on what they are told not necessarily what the child has been diagnosed with through a legitmate test.
So what to do?
Simple. GET INVOLVED in your child's emotional problems as well as the normal medical ones.
They do go hand in hand in many cases. Being a parent is not easy and we may not always want to hear some things but it is our duty to listen. Most behavioral problems stem from something the child is not comfortable dealing with themselves or don't feel comfortable talking with someone else about. Talk to them and get to know them.
Do not be scared to talk about their day. Or worse yet be too tired to make sure of how it went. Being a child is hard enough with so many outside peer pressures many of us have forgotten existed or chose to ignore, and it is up to us to show them the right way even if it means the dreaded discipline. Yep you may actually have to act like a parent on occasion and be the mean one for awhile. Kids do get over that.
While the AG is on point, albeit a day late and a dollar short, as seems to be the usual with political leaders, it is a start on one end of the problem.
We must as parents start working on our end. Times are tough and will get tougher. Many days it seems like we just cannot get ahead. I know and I can relate to that but never can we sacrifice our children to those that would hurt them because we are too tired or working too long to get involved.
Talk to your Dr. when something is wrong and demand tests before ever letting your child be put on meds for anything. Will this work in a foolproof way?
But it is a start.
Sort of like Conway's late attempt.
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