Friday, October 30, 2009
Check it out and let me know your thoughts!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
As you know Gatewood Galbraith is running for Governor with Lt. Governor candidate Dea Riley alongside him. They are doing a weekend money "bomb" and hope to raise a minimum of $25,000 by Monday at Noon.
All donations from $2 to $1000 is asked for.
Go to and make your contribution today!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
No way, shape, or form will I go along with that program.
The facts are that we have constantly been bombarded with misleading information over the years about how the VLT's will save the long declining horse industry by funneling money into purses and making us more competitive with other tracks.
One word. Hogwash.
Our economy is in a free fall and money is not available for gambling as it has been in years past. This is the crux of the problem.
With that being said it is relevant to point out that since revenues have declined the pressure for putting VLT's at horse tracks has been steadily increased. There has been an orchestrated plan in place over the last few years to essentially try and force us to believe this misleading rhetoric.
Knowing that there are limited amounts of gambling money available to go around the plan has been to eliminate any organization that is in direct competition for those dollars. One of the biggest is Charitable Gaming.
My problem essentially is that we are putting Charities out of business and that is something we can ill afford to do. The "race" for slots at race tracks has escalated in recent years with the promise that this will increase revenues for the State and help us all. False promises of better with VLT's at race tracks has divided many. But who does this help?
We The People who are trying to help ourselves through organized fundraising with charities, instead of looking for handouts, are being thrown to the wayside by our own government interference and control. The Bingo Gestapo shows up at Halls with badges and guns to intimidate and harass paying patrons.
Why you may ask?
Simply this. Intimidation works and keeps players from playing. Why would they do this you may ask? Thanks to the undue burden of profits placed upon charities today by the government gestapo called the Charitable Gaming Commission less players means less revenues. Less revenues make it harder to show a 40% profit for the charity. When you fall below that margin you are out of business.
What other business has a mandatory profit margin placed upon them like this? Even a volunteer cannot receive tips from winners. What other business does not allow volunteers to receive tips? It is an insult to each of us that we allow these idiots to control us like this. Why would anyone even volunteer to work at a charitable event like a bingo to support their charity and be treated like a criminal?
Look at the players and lobbies involved. Hell the KEEP project is headed by none other than ex Governor Brereton Jones who is a horseman himself. Gee anyone wonder why he wants VLT's?
Talk about an inside "track."
When you cannot get workers you go out of business. Someone has to do the job. Yep one more way to force us into line by the lobbyist and so called elected "leaders" who want their will to be done, or their pockets lined with lobby money, regardless of us.
When you go out of business where do you go?
Why the government of course asking for help for your charity. One more way the idiots force us to depend on them. Where does the government go when they need more money? Why us of course and usually without permission to take it.
I don't know about you but I myself am sick of this type mentality.
I admit I like casino's on occasion. I admit I bet the horses on occasion. I admit I play bingo on occasion. Sue me but I believe in a general realization as I believe most do.
I go to Churchill Downs to bet the horses and watch them run. That's what horsemen do. I go to bingo to play the game of chance on a numbered sheet. I go to casino's to play the one armed bandit or blackjack.
I believe most choose to spend their money at one place or the other and generally are not going to watch horses and play one armed bandits while doing so. Even Churchill Downs with their night racing this year brought in more bodies but not much more revenue.
Why is that? Because people were just looking for some place new to go not necessarily looking to bet on horses. THAT is the problem not charitable gaming. Horse racing has lost its allure over the years for many.
Yet if the horse racing industry is so far gone why did they post profits?
Tell the elected leaders we have had enough of big brother telling us what is best for us and allow us to decide that for ourselves. Cramming a one way plan down our throats is not the way to go.
Your thoughts?
Great news for all of us but I would like 2 things.
First, LEAVE NOW! Why wait? Meloche is a criminal and an embarrassment to us all why let him stay longer if we have already named an interim director.
Second PROSECUTE HIM! Prosecute his sorry butt for animal abuse and everything else you can find. This guy deserves no pity nor any mercy for anything he has done while Director.
And please do not forget who gave him the job either. eh Jerry Abramson?
Good riddance of garbage.
Just added: I just read Rick Redding's article on Gilles Meloche. You can view it here:
Meloche, as you know, Is the Director of Metro Animal Services (MAS) and has been a problem for years. What is fascinating is how Jerry Abramson touts the great things Meloche has done.
From Jerry: “For more than four years, Dr. Meloche has been a strong change agent who has helped professionalize our animal services operation and significantly increase the percentage of adopted animals,” said Mayor Jerry Abramson. “I appreciate his dedication and service to our community, and I wish him much success.”
How can this idiot Abramson think he has any credibility whatsoever when he continues to live in denial of HIS failures?Meloche has been an embarrassment to our community for years. He has been found guilty of sexual harassment, with more current charges pending, animal abuse and neglect, killing cats with a needle straight to the heart without anesthesia, selling steroids without a license, and the list goes on and on.
Jake Payne has some great info on this train wreck as well: Gilles Meloche & the Metro Animal Services Mess
Meloche is a failure as a human being in my opinion and so is Abramson who hired him and defended him to date and now tries to act like this moron was an altar boy in his job.
Meloche is gone, others will follow as these idiots hired and appointed by Abramson continue getting exposed now that Abramson has announced he is leaving the cover is off.
Abramson needs to go as well. Anyone who would continually allow this atrocity is not much of a man either in my opinion. If this idiot can screw up Louisville as bad as he has do we really need him in Frankfort?
No way. Remember to help get rid of Abramson when you vote on Gov/Lt Gov next election.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A deal was made today with Kentucky Grassroots radio at to simulcast our weekly MyViewMatters radio Show Thursdays on WKJK 1080 AM at 7 pm. The deal allows us to not only reach the 73,000 listeners of WKJK we have access to each week but gives us access to everyone across the Commonwealth as well.
The new deal will allow us to reach a larger audience and really hammer on issues across the scale. Local, State, and National will now have no boundaries.
Advertisers: Now is the time to get advertising on the radio show! Great rates are available and we have web only options as well. Local, State, or National now is the time to take advantage of our introductory rates and find out just how affordable radio advertising is.
Contact us at the below info! We can accommodate your needs and show you how easy and affordable it is to advertise your business!
We look forward to welcoming our new listeners, as well as, our loyal listeners each and every week.
Show ideas: Have a topic that interests you? Have a guest you want to request for the show?
Contact us at the info below!
The MyViewMatters Radio Show is here for you!
Thanks for listening and stay tuned!
Contact info:
Ed Springston
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Did Katie King buy the Judgeship illegally?
Of course based on the evidence I uncovered I believed so then, as I do now, which is why that part of the case continues today.
With that said I was amazed at how much more information on the King's started pouring in to me. It seemed as though everyone was waiting for someone to have the guts to challenge the King's. People from everywhere ex-employees, current employees, people who have had first hand dealings with Jim King all stepped forward, asking for anonymity of course, with stories of malfeasance and power and egos run amok.
When one person tells you a story then you take it with a grain of salt. When multiple people tell you the same stories you start wondering if they are true.
Today's CJ article by Joe Gerth is one of those truths. King, former wife move to seal divorce cases The Courier-Journal. Quoting from the article:
"According to the 1981 case file, Rebecca King, who is now 55, filed for divorce on March 11 of that year, claiming that a week earlier her husband had burst through a locked bathroom door while she was bathing and threatened her.
“You make me sick, I can't stand to look at you and I would like to knock the hell out of you between the eyes,” he allegedly told his wife, according to a request for a restraining order.
The document claims he then followed her around the couple's house and wouldn't allow her to sleep, ripping bedcovers away from her. It claimed he pulled her away as she tried to enter the bedroom of two of their children and refused to allow her to call for help.
In the days after that incident, the pleading claims that Jim King, who was 29 at the time, continued “harassment, intimidation and demeaning language” that caused her to become “emotionally upset” and to lose 8 to 10 pounds in a week's time.
The day after filing for divorce, Rebecca King claimed, her husband twisted her hand and choked her after he caught her taking $20 from his wallet to pay for shoes for their youngest daughter. According to the court file, she reported her husband's actions to Louisville police “because she was fearful for her physical safety.”"
Of course perhaps now we can see why Katie is just as bad as Jim. Katie you may recall had 911 calls placed against her for trying to beat in an ex boyfriend's door and also had marijuana found at her home that an ex took responsibility for.
The apple does not fall far from the tree it would seem.
Abusing someone is a method of control. Period. It is a method of exercising power over someone else. It is a symptom of a much larger problem. And in the case of King those problems persist even today.
Here is what wikipedia has to say: Psychological abuse, emotional or psychological coercion used to compel another to do something they do not want to do, Physical abuse, infliction of pain or use of violence against another
You see the case of spousal abuse happened in 1981 and the divorce followed in 1988. Charges of emotional and physical abuse by King's ex wife have been known about for years. In fact about 9 months ago I decided to try and pull the case up myself to verify. Interestingly enough it had disappeared from local archives. Almost 10 days ago I tried again and finally requested a copy from Frankfort.
Kudos must go to Joe Gerth though for being a couple days quicker than I on the last request.
Some people continue believing that this is no big deal since it occurred so long ago. There is one problem with that argument.
There have been several reports of sexual harassment in the workplace at King Southern Bank with one report even going so far as stating that King was having sex with a subordinate on his desk in his work office. With more than one person stating this then based on history it does lead one to believe it is possibly true.
Why would any of this be relevant you ask?
Simply this.
So called men who abuse women are not men. Period. In my eyes anyway.
When the behavior continues such as sexually harassing women in the workplace and having out of court settlements to hide the action then this is repeated illegal behavior. This rumored behavior is alarming.
To try to allow the excuse that it was over 20 years ago is one thing but the continued behavior is the problem. This shows a pattern of behavior that is detrimental in leadership. It shows a pattern of behavior that puts women in an inferior classification and shows little regard for both women and the law.
This also clearly shows a willingness to ignore the law as has been done in the case of illegally funding Katie's campaign as well. Once again a pattern of behavior.
Abuse is something we cannot tolerate at any level from a leader. The fact that this is a pattern with King based on reports is a major red flag.
This is not what we need in leadership.
This is just the latest public problem with the Jim King express. He has shown over time that he is one who lusts for power and has little regard for people or the law in his quest for such.
This is why he cannot be Mayor.
Your thoughts?
Friday, October 23, 2009
What will it take for the idiots Abramson, and his pet Deputy Mayor Bill Summers, to step up and fire this idiot. How much more does one have to do to justify their non existence on OUR payroll?
Take this story by Andy Alcock last night on WLKY: Vet Claims Harassment By Animal Services Director - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville (you can click the video on the top right).
Gilles Melloche has to be the most incompetent, or ego driven person I have seen yet. Well almost seen yet anyway. He has been found guilty of sexual harassment, faces even more allegations by others within the department of sexual harassment, and this is above and beyond the incompetent way he runs the agency.
How many animals died because he did not have an emergency plan available during the flood? Allegations of illegally giving meds to an adopt a pet center. Selling cats to people without letting them know they were sick? FAILING to honor a contract with a veterinarian that was signed by himself and Deputy Mayor Bill Summers.
Why does Bill Summers have a role in this? Simple he signed the employment contract and did nothing to ensure that it was being followed either. Essentially he did not do his job as well.
So many wonder why we in Louisville are looked at like quacks around the Country?
Look no further than the idiots Abramson has on the payroll appointed by him.
To say this makes us even more of a laughingstock to outsiders would be an understatement. Why has no one forced this guy out.
the list of atrocities by Melloche within the MAS and the idiocy by Summers and Abramson, who allow this to continue, should be a wake up call to us all.
Stand up and be heard! Tell these idiots that NO MORE will we accept this kind of behavior form someone WE PAY!
Melloche be a man for once in your miserable life and resign. Do us all a favor. I would suggest the same to Abramson and Summers but we know how shallow that manhood is. Accepting responsibility for failure is something they just have not shown they can do.
Your thoughts?
Check out the show and see what you think of the new Chair. Great topics and great show of course!
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Courier Journal just put a story on their website by Andrew Wolfson, Jim King asks lawyers to grade judge daughter The Courier-Journal, where Jim King is asking for attorneys to rate his daughter highly. Why in the world would he be involved in this idiotic thing at this time.
Let's look at recent history shall wee?
Both Jim and Katie King were found guilty of illegally funding her campaign. Some will argue that the violations were considered "non-knowing" and they did not mean any intentional criminal acts. Unfortunately, most have not seen ALL the evidence though I have put plenty on this site.
The facts are that this case is not over by a long shot. There are so many glaring problems with the KREF decision that this is not going away anytime soon. I guarantee it. As the guy who brought this to the point we are at there are many other things that will be revealed in the coming weeks. But I digress.
Why would King even allow himself to be put in a situation that is ethically questionable at best and downright stupid at worst? Who in the world is his campaign advisor or do they have any control over him at this point. Of course many in the know will tell you King controls everything and does what he wants when he wants regardless of others opinions. But hey that is his prerogative.
The greatest comment in this article is one Katie herself made:
"Judge King said that she didn’t know her father was sending the e-mail and wouldn’t comment on it, other than to say “it wasn’t necessary, because my record this past year speaks for itself.” She added that her father, a certified public accountant, “is not a member of the bar and was operating outside his area of expertise.”
Why is this statement so funny? Simply this.
During the interviews with her while this whole KREF investigation has been ongoing Katie has consistently let Jim take the lead. Jim's public statements are that he told Katie taking the money was ok legally.
And she said ok and accepted the illegal gifts.
Um Katie?
Why would you now throw daddy under the bus and accuse him of working outside his area of expertise since he IS NOT a member of the bar because it may hurt you, yet you were so willing to rely on his opinion, OUTSIDE his area of expertise to fund your campaign?
This is yet one more reason to question everything the Kings are about. They do what they want because they think they can and it is up to us to make sure they cannot.
Many have asked how they can help stop these people.
There are many options but first and foremost: GET INVOLVED.
Help campaign for opponents when they run against them, donate money to opponents so they can compete.
I can use the donations myself. Donate money through paypal on the link at the top left. I continue fighting this fight without which no one would ever know any of this. So help me help us all.
Or not.
But make sure you remember this stuff when you vote. Our future depends on it.
Your thoughts?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ken actually DJ's Louisville Rocks every Sunday night at 7 pm on 93.1 The Fox that is an outlet for local musicians. A great thing for our community that has so much talent throughout it.
Check out the show where we talked about local music and politics of course including the West End Forum, Mayoral term limits, the economy and healthcare.
Have fun!
We have alos been asked why we did not have a fan page on Facebook. We now have one check out Facebook and become a fan today! And do not forget to use the handy dandy donate button on this site to the left :-)
Much is being made about possible term limits thanks to a CJ story Metro council to debate limiting mayoral terms The Courier-Journal. What makes this so interesting is that this is not a new or fresh idea but one that is finally coming to light because the media finally brought it up.
The shame of it is that the CJ brought it up with their own slant. Brent Ackerson, a DEMOCRAT Metro Council member has brought up the possibility of changing the law to hold an elected Mayor to a 2 term limit. Unfortunately the CJ chose to make this an attack on the Republican Party instead of allowing an open honest discussion of what this could mean.
For those who do not know currently the elected Mayor of Louisville is subject to a 3 term limit (12 years) and the goal is to get that down to a 2 term limit (8 years). Seems simple enough doesn't it?
To accomplish this would require a ballot initiative for we the voter to decide. The earliest option available for putting it on the ballot is next year. Personally I believe it is a worthy goal and while we are at it we should make it a 2 term limit for Metro Council members as well. Term limits have been a part of my platform for years and I support it fully.
Here we go again. It seems the Louisville Water Company is planning on raising our water rates between 4.5% and 5.5% on January 1. Once again we must ask why? Water rate increase on tap The Courier-Journal
The claim is that they need to raise rates to help pay for improvements to its aging system and to meet expected tougher drinking water standards. By all accounts, and my personal experience drinking water from other states and communities across the Country, Louisville has one of the best drinking waters in the Country.
So what gives with the excuses?
Many in the community, including myself, think the Water Company is essentially used in many ways as a form of "illegal" taxation. The Board is appointed by none other than, you guessed it, Jerry Abramson, and they can raise rates each year with no approval by anyone.
The sole stockholder for Louisville Water Company is the City of Louisville. This begs one simple question:
Should Government be in a for profit business for their own gain?
Essentially that is what we have here. A government owned business in a for profit category. This surely defeats the free enterprise system of government does it not?
The city owns 100 percent of the stock in the company and gets an annual dividend. Certainly this should raise a red flag about Government being in the for profit business.
The new budget includes a $17.7 million dividend to metro government, paid quarterly. That compares with a $17 million dividend expected to be paid this year. We also have literally no oversight of the Water Company's business.
How is this possible?
Is the reason for yet another increase to the citizens of our community because of the need for cash once again for the City? While Abramson and his machine cannot sell a new tax on us this is certainly one way to gain money for the City is it not?
Abramson is now FINALLY settling with the firefighters for approximately $45 million, a figure that would have been much lower had he done his job and honored our commitment to them years ago, while at the same time he is seeking $17 million in new funds through bonds.
A rate increase gives the City of Louisville an extra profit of $700,000 per year. Of course that number raises next year when they increase the costs yet again. Combined with the MSD fees and their continual rate increases one has to wonder.
The water company charges for water coming into a home, including tap water used for drinking, bathing and washing clothes and cars. MSD charges for treating water that goes down the drain.
The Louisville Metro Council members have no opportunity to vote on water rates.
Is it time for the Metro Council to have oversight and control over the Louisville Water Company and MSD?
I believe so.
Your thoughts?
Monday, October 12, 2009
The West End has been crying out for help for years and we got lost in the hyperbole of so called leaders like Louis Coleman whose message may have been correct but was publicized in a way that divides not unites leaders to help make a difference.
Today in the Courier there is an interesting article that may help lead us to the work that needs to be done. Unfortunately the story also includes some of the problems with why nothing has been done.
Here is the story: Politicians, meet the West End The Courier-Journal
Interesting that in the story Gerth points out yet another campaign violation possibility by Jim King but the one thing that stuck out to me is the quote by David Tandy.
Tandy states the following:
“And it's not about the color of skin,” he said of Democratic Metro Council President David Tandy, another mayor candidate, who is black. “The West End does not know David Tandy.”
The reason this is interesting?
Tandy was quoted in the CJ on October 5 "Tandy has said he doesn't believe he'll need as much money as other candidates because his base in western Louisville will give him a significant advantage in the primary."
And therein presents yet another example of why much will not be done to aid the West End.
Tandy clearly believes because he is African American that he will get the vote regardless of his saying he does not believe color will matter. His statements lead one to believe that it does matter. In his eyes anyway. King has not done anything whatsoever to aid the West End since being on the Council. The others truly do not care either.
So what is going to be done? Probably nothing as history has shown us and that is the problem.
The West End at one time was the economic heart of Louisville and in a time when racism was rampant (not that it does not exist in a lesser form today) Louisville migrated east and decided the West End could fend for itself.
The leaders left the West End to the wayside in favor or East end economic development and a new Downtown based on the whims of leadership. When we did this we told the citizens in our community that leadership would do what it wanted at their whim and not necessarily for the betterment of ALL of us who live here.
The West End is a primary example of what is wrong with leadership and why it is so important for us to get involved in changing it.
I applaud the think tank for taking this action but sincerely hope that they will remember who has done nothing for the West End, hint David Tandy and Jim King, and open their eyes to helping elect someone who just may follow through.
It is long past the time where we ignore our citizens and begin healing the problems that have arisen because of it.
My plan included an economic revitalization plan that would bring jobs to the West End and a focused plan on helping rid the problems in the neighborhoods that hold the people back. Problems that all neighborhoods are facing today but no focus has been on in helping fix them.
Crime, drugs, these things are hurting as much as anything. You can read more about that here: Louisville News and Politics: WEST END CRIME
When we begin anew a dedication to bringing some jobs and a new awareness that there are options beyond the streets then we begin the revitalization that gives hope to our young and begin the process of having pride in oneself and our neighborhoods.
Mayoral candidates should heed this warning: If you choose to continue ignoring the problems our leaders have created over the years the problem will fester and get worse resulting in a chaos that will hurt our community deeper than one can even imagine.
My hope for voters in the West End is that indeed color does not matter. But I also hope that indeed the candidate with the most money does not matter either.
It is time those seeking office and votes do the right thing.
Do not ignore this opportunity and be sincere in your efforts.
Some of us are going to hold you accountable.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The economy was a major topic of conversation and the show is a must hear.
Listen below!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Patrick will also be the featured guest on the MyViewMatters Radio SHow this Thursday October 8 at 7pm on WKJK 1080 AM.
Tune in and listen. Call in with any questions during the show at 571-1080 or of course as always email me with questions you want asked.
Local Businessman Patrick Joseph Duerr to Run For 9th District Metro Council
October 7, 2009 - Louisville, KY. – ( Louisville native and businessman, Patrick Joseph Duerr, is officially announcing his candidacy for the 9th District Louisville Metro Council. Mr. Duerr has filed his Letter of Intent with Kentucky Registry of Election Finance for the 2010 election.
Duerr is the Senior Marketing Executive for Delta Direct Staffing and Delta Logistics & Distribution. He is a graduate of Trinity High School and the University of Louisville . “I believe the constituents of Louisville have been crying out for employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, and their voices have yet to be heard,” Duerr said. “I am committed to a job growth movement in and around our city of Louisville and that is my primary reason for stepping forward.”
A fiscal conservative Republican, Duerr believes his experience as a financial advisor and small business executive is exactly what Louisville needs during this economic downturn. “The city leadership has dropped the ball on too many opportunities to bring new business and jobs to Louisville . We have fallen behind the other cities in our region and we need a consolidated community effort to reestablish ourselves as an industry leading city,” Duerr said.
Duerr will be a guest on WKJK 1080’s My View Matters radio show Thursday night at 7pm to discuss his stance on the issues facing Louisville.
Duerr resides at 3403 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40207 and can be contacted at 502-894-9311.
He can also be reached through Adam Hitt, Campaign Manager, at
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I was surprised because the AG was asked over a month ago and most recently stated he would make a decision after the KREF made their ruling. In short I figured he would hide behind the faulty ruling of the KREF who incidentally did not address all the issues in the complaint so there will be more to follow charges brought.
I have been critical of Jack Conway in regards to this case for many reasons. He stated at Fancy Farm he is "one tough sonofabitch" and yet considering his own brother was a one time treasurer of the Katie King campaign he did not decide what to do until a month after the fact.
So yep I was surprised and admit even I underestimated Jack Conway to date. He may have made me reconsider my decision to vote against him. We sill see about that once this case is investigated.
The WLKY story is below. Andy Aalcock is the only reporter who has stayed with this case since the beginning all the way from May of 2008 and deserves credit for staying with an ongoing investigative story like this one. It is rare that anyone stays on a story anymore and Andy has proven himself to be a very credible reporter. I haven't always agreed with the story in every way but he has done a good job of laying out both sides.
Additionally the Courier Journal had this story: Special prosecutor named to study King complaint The Courier-Journal
There are many other charges to be brought and will be brought over the coming weeks. There will be a complaint lodged with the Kentucky Bar in regards to Sheryl Snyder, Amy Cubbage, and Frost, Brown, and Todd for starters. Additionally, there were several issues the registry just did not address in my complaint and those will be recharged as well on appeal.
I will also be sending the KREF a statement asking for the maximum fine of $65,000 total for the King's AND having a signed admission of guilt. No I will not hold my breath waiting for it I assure you.
The investigation into the special prosecutor has already begun to insure that this is not a political appointment.
I promised going into this we would have fairness and accountability. I will not falter in my commitment.
Stay tuned.................
Thursday, October 1, 2009

US Census Bureau 2008 Poverty Ratings for Kentucky.
Marilyn discussed her economics plan and healthcare.
Tune in for the whole interview!
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